first day/last day
I woke up at 6:15am today (which never happens cause I usually stay up till 100 o’clock every night) to take the “last day of school” picture. The only other time that ugly hour happened was on the first day of Regis for the boys back in September. No need to worry though, I did go back to bed. Today is their last day of classes, finals start on monday and by the 11th they’ll be all done with their freshman year of high school. I feel like this year was on super fast forward- I can’t believe its over. And quite a change in these boys too. They’re kinda like different people than they were in September. And way more tired. (Jack on the left, Patrick on the right).
alexandra’s communion
One of my most favorite bsquared families ever celebrated their daughter’s communion a few weeks ago, and I was asked to take some pictures of Alex’s special day. Lucky me!! You can see some of their past sessions here, here and here. But be sure to check out the pictures below. With such gorgeous subjects its hard to not take a million pictures!
I don’t know why exactly, but the one on the left looks like it should be in Southern Living magazine.
Priceless expressions, Alex!
Too cool for everything.
A little cousin cuddle time.
Proud grandparents.
Handsome brothers.
Couldn’t resist. Him doing it or me taking & posting it.
Big thanks to Alex’s brothers for petal throwing assistance.
patrick’s communion
A brand new to bsquared family (but know them from the beach and from school) celebrated their son’s first communion this year. Went over to their home for a quick mini session. Had a lot of fun with them all, but especially Patrick as he is a boy of much personality. Hope the day was fantastic!!
introducing…baby emily grace
My second time photographing this little family, now a family of 4 with the birth of their new little girl. They were all thrilled to welcome her to the family and I was thrilled to photograph her in all her teeny goodness. You can see their fall session when there was just the 3 of them here.
I could die of those lips!
She put her hands like that all on her own.
baby jenna
I was so happy to hear from Jenna’s mom to schedule a session for her. We did the same for her big sister Lila a few years back at around the same age so it was so nice to meet Jenna and see how grown up Lila got since the last time I saw her. She was a little reluctant with the smiles at first, but she warmed right up after a little while and we became fast friends. And the cuteness? Off the charts!
Mom sent me an email that Lila was hoping “miss beth” would come back to play again the next day. How lucky am I?
Couldn’t decide which to post from the next series, so posting them all.