• children & families,  communions

    bianca’s communion

    Another beautiful communicant that I was lucky enough to photograph this season. Miss Bianca I’m told is not one for the dressing up & hair and all, but she was so pretty and fun and we had a great time during our session regardless.

    I told her mom that the picture on the left was definitely going on the blog. Booties to cover her white shoes while walking on the grass. Pretty smart, but very funny!You’ll see more of this pretty, sassy girl on the blog soon- I’ll be photographing her communion party in a few weeks.

  • children & families,  communions

    kathleen’s communion

    Communion season this year kicked off with a favorite bsquared family who I’ve been lucky enough to photograph a bunch of times (here, here and here). We had sun shining for about 30 seconds of our time together, but at least it wasn’t raining! Kathleen looked beautiful (as did her whole family!) and was all ready for her big day with tons of smiles and giggles. She even got to speak at the mass. Hope the party was wonderful!

    Couldn’t decide which picture with her dad to post, so I am just sharing both.The cross was sent from Ireland so I had to be sure to get a special picture of it. 

  • baseball,  personal

    baseball time

    First a tiny bit of business:

    ***FLASH SALE!!*** To celebrate “opening day” of bsquared photography’s communion season tomorrow, I’m having a sale on 8×10’s today only. Normally $35, now only $25 till midnight tonight. Get in touch here below in comments or shoot me an email at bethbeyrer at yahoo dot com with your order. And wish me luck for this weekend’s madness!

    Baseball season. Again. And although it is technically baseball season, the weather is sure saying otherwise. Its freaking freezing at games and practices. Gloves, hats & blankets cold. Which makes it oh so pleasant being outside watching. One game wasn’t totally freezing (well, not till the sun went down) so I took a few pictures before I fled to the car and put the heat on 90 degrees.

    Some teammates. Jack L.Jack N.Tommy.Took these on the way to the (very heated) car. It looks deceiving. Like it could be warm. Its all lies. LIES I tell you.

  • baseball,  personal

    timmy & jack & james, oh my. {aka baseball, basketball & football}

    Timmy is so lucky to have some awesomely good friends who both live pretty nearby. Over the break, we took a walk to Jack’s house and ended up walking back to our house with him. On the way back, we ran into James’ mom and she said he was free too so he walked back home with us too. They spent a few hours in the backyard (outside!!! freaking finally!!!) playing lots of baseball, basketball and football.

    And James- he’s a trip this kid. He actually wanted me to take a few pix of him and to be on the blog. Ummmm…no one really ever asks me to take their pictures anymore around here, you know I jumped at the chance!!!

    James’ sport is football. The kid is built kinda like a brick wall. One time Timmy was trying to take him down and was hanging off of him while James just kept walking like it wasn’t even happening. Hysterical!And he didn’t get tackled here either. On to a few innings of baseball.Then it was time to try to tackle James again.Just playing. No punches were thrown. And a nice black & white for his mom & dad.

  • personal,  school

    back to work & school again

    Timmy goes back to school today after a nice long spring break for him. We’re going from sleepovers to early bed times, from video games to homework, from tv to a book before bed. Now, while these are all noble pursuits, I’m ready to be done with school for the year. I think I read 64 more days until summer somewhere today. It cannot come fast enough. Summer, please hurry!!!

    (timmy is reading on a kindle fire below. a real book.)


    This is the last week that the blog will be quiet. Jumping back into work with both feet (and both cameras with multiple lenses) on Saturday & Sunday for 2 communions, 1 christening and a family session (with a communion twist). It seems that its feast or famine and we’re heading back into feast mode. I’m so excited to be working again after this long, long, loooooooooooooooooooooooong winter, but please say a little prayer for my stamina. And sanity.