back to work & school again
Timmy goes back to school today after a nice long spring break for him. We’re going from sleepovers to early bed times, from video games to homework, from tv to a book before bed. Now, while these are all noble pursuits, I’m ready to be done with school for the year. I think I read 64 more days until summer somewhere today. It cannot come fast enough. Summer, please hurry!!!
(timmy is reading on a kindle fire below. a real book.)
This is the last week that the blog will be quiet. Jumping back into work with both feet (and both cameras with multiple lenses) on Saturday & Sunday for 2 communions, 1 christening and a family session (with a communion twist). It seems that its feast or famine and we’re heading back into feast mode. I’m so excited to be working again after this long, long, loooooooooooooooooooooooong winter, but please say a little prayer for my stamina. And sanity.
happy eastover!
I never, ever blog at night really but the boys wanted some of the pix from today to post so I figured since they were already edited I’d throw them up on the blog. Spent the day baking paper bag cookies and brownies and then headed over to grandma & grandpa’s to celebrate (with ham and matzah) the day. 6 of the 9 cousins were there, so it was only a matter of 10 minutes until the baseball game started.
My handsomes.
Spectators in the stands.
The closest I can get to a group shot.
jeannine’s boutique
My friend (and fellow identical twin boy mom- which is one of the reasons we hit it off so well I think) Jeannine who owns the best gift store around- Jeannine’s Boutique in RVC asked me to come in and take a few pictures of her shop as one of her vendors (Alex and Ani) needed photos of her display of their bracelets. I also took a few other shots around the shop of some of her great products.
This frame would go great with a bsquared communion photo in it, don’tcha think? (wink, wink).
I’ve had 2-3 sessions over the last few weeks that have had to be cancelled and rescheduled due to this never-ending winter from hell. (Damn that Queen Elsa. Alright already with the winter) so the blog will be picking up again soon as communion season starts next weekend. Hope you guys are all still out there!
summer calendar now open for booking!!
Good morning bsquared people! Happy to let you know that the bsquared summer calendar (june-august) is now open for booking! You can find it here.
I have some running around to do this morning/afternoon so will get back to all of you who have emailed me with your date and time preferences by late tonight. I book dates in the order that emails were received to keep everything fair, so don’t worry if you don’t hear back from me until later tonight. And because I cannot post without a photo, here’s another beachy favorite. I can almost feel it!
the raic girls
Another family from my recent casting call- checking out a new location and working on some new posing and editing. So different shooting more for myself than for the client, but I think in the end we’d both be pretty happy with the results. I’ve known mom since I was in Kindergarten and we reconnected (where else…) on Facebook. Enjoy the zillion pictures below of the gorgeous mama and gorgeous girls!!