• personal & corporate branding {headshots}

    the colombos-dooley realty group

    A longtime client (for family photos- you can see some of their past sessions here and here) asked me to do a shoot for his real estate team. He wanted a setting with old world glamour and we sure found it. We did the session for his team at Mill Neck Manor (one of the old Gold Coast mansions) which was spectacular and a definite to add into the bsquared repertoire of locations for the future, but with some exceptions as we can only shoot there on certain dates and not inside the house. But in the meantime, here are some of the pictures from their session.

    The leaders of the team.We had to have some fun between shots.And some fun during shots, too..They requested a few silly shots- this one is “racing to get the listing”. Love that one of the ladies ran right out of her shoes and that the other one runs so well IN heels. Working with Nick isn’t always easy……but I’m sure its never dull.

    If you’re looking to buy or sell, you can find Nick and his team at Douglas Elliman Real Estate here.

  • bsquared business,  communions,  photography,  product,  senior sessions

    some stuff (summer calendar, communions, senior sessions, products & ordering)

    Sorry, couldn’t think of a catchier title for my blog post today. A few things worth mentioning- the bsquared summer calendar (june-august) will be up on the blog for booking on Monday, April 14th. In past years, beach sessions book very quickly so if that’s something you have in mind you might want to book that as soon as you can. Cannot wait to be shooting on the beach again in warm weather!!! Its hard to imagine with the freezing temps and howling wind we’re having here today that it’s only 2 months away, but it is!

    Being that the weather is supposed to be turning nice (freaking finally) soon, don’t rule out booking a spring time shoot. Only 5 spots available for April and 5 available for May. You can find the current bsquared calendar here. Shoot me an email or leave a comment here if you’re interested in booking a date for a springtime session. Communion season is rapidly approaching and things are going to get really busy here at bsquared, which I am really, really looking forward to. Been a horribly long winter with not much going on in the way of sessions (it’s freezing, ugly and brown & grey outside. i don’t want to be out there shooting and obviously, no one else does either!) If you haven’t booked your communion session there are a very few dates remaining. Don’t forget, you don’t have to do your communion session (mini or full) on the exact day of your communion. Sometimes its more relaxed to get dressed up in your communion finery and do the session on a totally different day where there is no rush to get to church or the party, or have to take care of all the other details of the day. You can email me at bethbeyrer at yahoo dot com or just use the contact button on the top of the blog.

    Speaking of May and warmer weather, if you have a graduating high school senior this year, please consider a bsquared senior session. You get way more options (both in terms of location, outfits, “props” and number of prints in your package) than you do with the traditional school photography with the blue background. We can even do the cap and gown shot as well. Wouldn’t you love to have this very fleeting, special time of your high school senior with all their interests, personality and just them captured before they leave for college? You can find more about the bsquared senior sessions here and find some photos from last year’s bsquared seniors here. To book, shoot me an email at bethbeyrer at yahoo dot com or click the contact button at the top of the blog.

    And lastly, here are some bsquared products that went to their home today. So happy to see clients printing big, gorgeous images to be displayed in their homes. (when it comes to printing, I’m pretty much a “bigger is better” advocate). Here are two 16×20 mounted prints from their beach session, with 3 mini books that mom went crazy for. She can’t wait to keep one and share the other two with family. Sharing is caring, ya know.

    If you haven’t yet ordered your prints, disc, enlargements, albums, etc from your 2013 (or earlier for you slackers ;)) bsquared session, you may want to do that soon! I’ll be clearing out the archives to make some room for the 2014 sessions. You can order by shooting me an email at bethbeyrer at yahoo dot com or by clicking the contact button above on the blog. I’m more than happy to help you if you’ve forgotten what you have included in your package, with choosing images to enlarge, with framing, with albums- whatever you need.


  • personal,  volunteering

    going bald for st. baldrick’s

    Another year, another bunch of awesome volunteers getting their heads shaved while raising money for kids cancer research. I’m always happy to volunteer my time and take some photos during this extremely wonderful event- especially this year with a friend’s son fighting the battle (and his dad getting shaved) and a message from the founder of St Baldrick’s specifically asking me to come.  So check out this year’s baldies and heroes!

    Dougie who is aforementioned friend’s son- he’s doing awesome and is looking great. And now he and his dad have matching heads.

    I think he may have been having a little too much fun!Happy momma. And not a dry eye in the house. You Go Dougie! Some brave souls with bald heads.One of Timmy’s teammates from baseball, Jack.Another friend/client’s sons. The little one had the best expressions!Mom checking out her brave boys. This guy had a LOT of hair to shave. Wish I was closer for this shot, this kid was awesome!And as soon as this lady sat down, I said to someone next to me, she is going to ROCK the shaved head. And she sure did. More friends boys and families.And the one who started it all. John Bender (and his daughter helping out!)His other daughter and her long hair she was brave enough to donate. (you can see her ponytail in her hand on her lap).His son who had a whole lot of hair to take down.  The end result.His wife who helps coordinate and runs the whole event and does an amazing job!The whole family! 


  • basketball,  personal

    super saturday

    Told you it was only a matter of time until we returned to Timmy  and/or basketball posts. Two weeks ago was Super Saturday and the last games of the year. Which kinda stinks cause Timmy loved it.

    The whole team and Coach.

    At the end of the games there was a free throw contest with one kid picked from each team to shoot. Two of the last three were friends of Timmy’s. Chris V (in maroon) and Tommy (in blue). Chris ended up coming in 1st and winning the contest with Tommy coming in 2nd place. Timmy went to nursery school with Arthur (on the left) who is now on his baseball team this year, and Luke (on the right) is a classmate at school. And now onto baseball. yay.

  • children & families


    I originally had a basketball post scheduled for today, but when I went on my Facebook feed this morning, I found out that today was the 3 year anniversary of  Annabella becoming a part of her forever family. So blog plans changed, and as luck would have it, I recently photographed Miss Annabella (and her parents) as part of a casting call I did to try out some new stuff and a new location (success on both, by the way.). So to celebrate their familyversary today, here’s a TON of photos from our session last weekend. I can hardly believe that its almost 3 years since I was waiting at the airport for their arrival home from China and meeting her family for the first time. You can also find her 1st birthday shoot here. She still makes the same exact funny faces, too!

    Love the thumb hooked into the pocket. That was all her.

    Giggles.And lots and lots of hugs.