timmy’s birthday party
So exactly one month ago we celebrated Timmy’s 9th birthday. For his party this year he chose a Lego Movie party. The Merrick theater is awesome, gives you a private theater for your guests along with pizza, unlimited popcorn and soda throughout the show. Almost 30 boys there (omg, my head still hurts) who are craaaaaazy when they are all together, and they had a great time I think. At least they were quiet and sitting during the movie. The rest of the time, notsomuch.
Make yourself at home there Sean.
Liam was very proud telling me that he ate 7.5 slices of pizza.
Most of the crazies.
My cousin’s daughter (so, my cousin too!). And really? Soooo stinking cute this one. Right? Starting her on photography nice and early.
photo a day follow ups- back yard sled jump
The weekend Timmy’s BFF Jack stayed over, there was much activity. Including sledding off the back steps.
My favorite shot of the day.
photo a day follow ups-snow storm
It was really difficult to only post one photo a day when I had a bunch of good ones from each “shoot” I wanted to share. So here are a few follow ups from one of the many snow storms last month.
I feel exactly the same way.
green court sports
Shuffleboard (cmon, you cannot go to Florida and NOT play shuffleboard) and basketball. Outside- where it should be played, and not on a court made of ice and snow. And, why, yes- I am still complaining about the crap weather. Don’t like it, then just skip the writing and look at the pretty pictures.