florida from december/january
On what is going to be yet another snowy NY day/night I figured I would post some of the pictures from that trip. Just to remember that there are places that aren’t freezing and ugly.
John’s default Florida position. Inside.
And outside.
photo a day- day 28
I made it!! All 28 days and I didn’t skip even one! I hope you all enjoyed the photo a day project. In March, I will keep trying to post on the blog daily (or at least close to it) and can finally put in the rest of the pictures that I took besides the one a day you saw.
Timmy got a hoop for his room from the Heat game and it’s already been put to really good use! If it ever thaws out here, I hope he’ll get outside again to play too. So, like June.
photo a day- day 27
We both did a lot of reading over vacation. Here’s an updated book list of what I’ve read lately (a few people have asked for recommendations).
The Fault in Our Stars- excellent. Can’t wait for the movie. Bring tissues. The story of a teenaged girl with cancer.
Save Yourself by Kelly Braffet. really good and she’s Stephen King’s daughter in law. Not a horror type novel though.
Reconstructing Amelia by Kimbery McCreight- excellent. About teen bullying at a private school w a twist.
Help for the Haunted by John Searles- good. A little more drawn out than needed and the end wasn’t what I thought it would be, but still good.
Sycamore Row by John Grisham- really good. The follow up to A Time to Kill, with Jake Brigance in a new case. Nice seeing old friends again.
Fear Nothing by Lisa Gardner- really good. A DD Warren novel- weird characters, just the way I like them.
Labor Day by Joyce Maynard- loved it. Didn’t get to see the movie in theaters but will catch it on iTunes or something.
After Her by Joyce Maynard- loved it. Really like her writing style. About hillside murders and two young girls who try to “solve” the case.
The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth- loved the first one, liked the second, and she lost me on the third.
The Most Dangerous Thing by Laura Lippman. Love all her books.
The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty- really great.
Innocence by Dean Koontz- meh. I used to looooove some DK but not so much anymore. I liked the premise of the book, but there was too much tangental crap going on that I didn’t like.
Harrowgate by Kate Maruyama- good and not what I expected.
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King- excellent. The sequel to the Shining.
The Never List by Koethe Zan- creepy and really good. But dark.
The Silent Wife by ASA Harrison- not for me. I liked Gone Girl much better but it was in that vein.
Visitation Street by Ivy Pochada- really great. Loved the characters even though lots of them were unloveable.
This Beautiful Life by Helen Schulman- really good and kind of like Reconstructing Amelia, but with boys instead of girls.
I think I listed some of the above before, but there you have it. Right now, I’m about halfway thru Coming Clean: A memoir by Kimberly Rae Miller. It’s a true story written by the daughter of hoarders. I really like it except I feel like I need to take a shower and clean the house every time I start a new chapter. Anything you think I need to read, let me know…
photo a day- day 26
I heard its snowing at home. And thats where we’re headed tonight. Fabulous. Getting in our last licks at the pool and beach and then heading home.
photo a day- day 25
I cannot want to go home. (yes, you read that correctly. i cannot want. Not i cannot wait. i can definitely wait with the stupid effing polar vortex and more snow waiting) Timmy’s preschool teacher Miss Donna suggested I homeschool him on the beach. I’m seriously considering it.