photo a day- day 14
Regis was closed yesterday and again today (not sure why today but I’m guessing Westchester, CT and NJ got it worse that we did and for the kids traveling in from there it would be way more difficult to commute into NYC than from here) but Jack is on his way to Harvard for the weekend thru Monday for a big debate tournament. So of course, I’m doing the worried mother thing here- long bus ride up, 12-14hr debate days, god knows what at night, long bus ride back, etc. But Harvard- hope he gets a good taste of that! And gets some sleep (yeah, right.) this weekend. I am posting this picture with (begrudgingly given) permission and was informed that I am a creepy stalker. Why this comes as a surprise to my children, I cannot tell you.
We’ll have Timmy’s BFF overnight again tonight for a sleepover so that’ll be fun for them. And with the 937 feet of snow still outside I have a feeling they’ll be out playing for at least a little bit. I however, will not be. Again, should come as no surprise.
photo a day- day 13
Timmy had his 9th birthday party yesterday at Merrick Cinemas with about 30 boys. People told me I was brave. I think I may never recover. The Lego Movie was very cute (at least the parts I was able to watch) and all the kids had a great time! More pictures to follow once the February photo a day project is over.
photo a day- day 12
A little homework before a lot of playtime.
photo a day- day 11
Patrick in the midst of shoveling tons and tons of snow (especially the stuff around the sewer drain- yeah, that was fun). Handsome even if annoyed.
photo a day- day 10
Its a rare occurrence these days when the big boys let me take a picture of them and let me post it. So even though this picture was not taken today, it’s today’s photo anyway. Jack in his new favorite Vineyard Vines sweater.