the newm family
My first session for 2014, with 3 great boys and a fabulous mom & dad to kick things off for this year. Its kind of funny as dad’s brothers family is the first family I photographed in 2013- total coincidence too! They live in a gorgeous house flooded with tons of light (the snow on the ground was a helpful reflector as well, unfortunately).
Because I’ve been so bad about blogging lately, I put in a bunch of extra pictures for your viewing enjoyment today.
lazy days
Been way too lazy to even pick up a camera other than for work, and at this time of year there’s not a whole lot of that going on either. But I feel bad about not blogging for so long, so here are a few (some quite old) shots of Timmy working. (for those who don’t know he does some modeling work from time to time).
An Intel short film shot in Brooklyn.
This was an audition for something, but I can’t remember what.
The one on the right was when he did still shots for the show “The Ordained” that was supposed to be on ABC this past September, but it never got picked up. Timmy was playing the youngest Kennedy-type brother as a little kid.
From the Carhartt Fathers Day commercial with Mike Golick.
Some friends from on set.
I posted the actual commercial here before, here’s the link again.
Have a bunch of stuff to edit this week, so hoping the blog might be a little busier soon.
the sylv family
the 2014 January-May bsquared calendar is open for booking!
A new year, a new slideshow on the top of the blog, a new Facebook bsquared page header banner and a new calendar open for booking! I’m happy to let you know that I am keeping my pricing the same as it was in 2013. (pricing & packages information can be found here). If you have an event on a date that is not listed on the calendar, please email me and we’ll see if we can work it out. In addition, I’ll be offering communion mini sessions this year- email me or leave a comment below if you are interested in one. You can find the link to the calendar here. Looking forward to seeing all of your smiling faces in 2014 and making it the best year for bsquared yet!
And because I hate posting without a photo, here’s a side off of the first annual bsquared christmas card.
out east 2013
Yeah, still waaaay behind on personal posts from last year. But on a freezing cold day (a-my-shower-and-sink-both-on-outside-walls-have-been-“trickling”-since-last-night-so-the-pipes-don’t-freeze-kind-of-cold) figured I’d post something a little balmier. Our annual trip out east, where this year we kinda skimped on the pumpkin patch/pumpkin picking, and just went to an easy, conveniently located, fast field. Still pumpkins and still pretty.
The traditional Beyrer boys in the wheelbarrow picture. Except none of them fit anymore. Waaaaaaahh.
I got a rock.