the walt family
A year of a big break thru right here! The little girl has been SO anti-me, anti-photography, anti-anythinghavingtodowithashoot since the first time I’ve photographed them. We’ve tried everything in the past but mostly I resorted to using the biggest zoom I had and mom distracting her with something else. This year, she was a totally different kid. She had a good time, volunteered to go first (you know I took her up on that every single time- sorry boys, I’ve waited years for this day!), posed, smiled and laughed real laughs.Can’t tell you how excited mom and I both were! The boys were fun and silly and crazy as always (love them!) You can see some of the past sessions here and here.
the kyn family (a “be mini” session)
Leaving the central park day behind, now moving on to a local park with tons of great families to photograph. A new to bsquared family who was a pleasure to photograph and hang out with for a little while. Super fun soccer boys who were totally fun in front of the camera, just as in real life I suspect!
the hus family (aka the burberry princess)
My zillionth or so time photographing this amazingly awesome little family from NYC. I’ve heard that little miss (who is now a Kindergartener !!!) is maybe starting to rebel against the burberry outfits for our annual shoots, so I told her that I would resort to paying her (in candy, toys or money) if she promises to continue to wear something burberry every year. I can’t imagine her in anything else. Even if it’s just a scarf or a bow or something. And in my mind, this is all she wears all the other days of the year too. You can see some of their past sessions here, here, here and here.
We encountered a change in the weather from sunny and cool to flat out raining and chilly. Everytime it started raining more heavily, all I could say to mom was “this isn’t happening”. But it was. We just barely made it thru our session before it got worse, but I’m so happy they all gutted it out. I mean look at this face!
Something so Londony about the pic on the left. Not that I’ve ever been there.
the medv family
A total change of pace this year for one of my favorite bsquared families (yeah, I know I say that a lot- I have a lot of favorites!) instead of shooting at their gorgeous home in East Hampton in the summer, they decided on a Central Park session in the fall. So great seeing them and catching up and hitting as many “spots” in the park as we could. You can see some of their past sessions here, here and here. You might want to get comfy, you’ll be here for a while.
Love that these two giggle like teenagers when they’re together!
Now THAT’s a leaf.
the rapp family (a “be mini” session)
Another high school friend and her little girl on a busy Central Park day. I’m sure you’ll recognize this little cutie pie from the blog header. She’s grown a bunch in the last year since I last saw her, but she’s as cute and as spunky as ever!