deadlines & deliveries
Ahhh, a very engaging and exciting blog post heading your way today. Yeah, not really but gotta get it covered.
The deadline for ALL bsquared orders is Monday, December 9th. (discs, prints, enlargements, holiday cards, all bsquared products including mini books, storybook albums, lay flat albums, iPhone cases, canvases). This date ensures delivery in time for the holidays. And I will not be able to accept any orders after 12/9.
This is what my office looked like at about 12am this morning: (sorry about the blurry spots, don’t want to give away anyone’s christmas cards!) via crappy iPhone picture. All the yellow stickies are so I know what each order is still waiting for to be completed.
And then what it looked like around 2am. My packaging elves (read: me) were very busy last night.
I’m expecting a ton more deliveries today and early next week. Keep those orders coming!! I’m heading back to editing, expect some more fantabulous blog posts next week. And then in January, I will have a chance to edit and blog all my personal pictures from the summer, fall and winter. I hope.
the cowa family (a “be mini” session)
A brand new baby (well, 3 months brand new) and a 2 year old puppy and I got sorta nervous as to how this shoot was going to go. But I really shouldn’t have worried- they were all awesome! Cuteness and smiles all around! Little mister had a bunch of shots at the doctor that morning but was still in pretty great spirits regardless. Dad is the brother of 2 great bsquared clients and it was super great meeting more of the awesome family. Thanks for a great session!
the leon family
I know it’s been a little slow here on the blog for the last few days but I’ve been super busy behind the scenes working on editing sessions, shooting like crazy (I mean really crazy- 12 sessions in two days with 32 kids and 4 dogs crazy), working on christmas cards and placing orders & packing orders. So, in other words, the usual- just times like 10!
Haven’t seen this family for photos in a while but so happy when they called me again this year. They live on Long Island (not that you could tell from the pictures!) overlooking a gorgeous valley with this awesome tract of land that we ventured into for part of our session. You can see some of their past sessions here and here.
And a little bit of hoops to end our session.
the harr family
Clients who turn into friends are amongst my favorite things in life, and this family is exactly that. Might have been the twin boy thing, or the shared love of “A Christmas Story”. Or just cause they’re awesome. You can see some of their past sessions here, here and here.
Yes, Im sure this is two different boys. Well, pretty sure.
Its a twin thing.
A Christmas Story Leg Lamp (Fragile, must be italian) and Red Rider BB guns. (you’ll shoot your eye out kid!)
the ilbe family
I’ve lost count (that’s a good thing!) of how many times I’ve photographed this fabulous family. (you can see some of their past sessions here, here and here) Some of the nicest people I’ve ever met, both the kids and the parents! They actually sent Timmy a rainbow loom after they found out he didn’t have one yet, and it’s been bracelet making central since then. I know I always say it, but I have the very best clients in the universe!
I love how he holds his head when upside down, preventing any brains from coming out.
A moment of quiet amidst the chaos that is three small boys.