the aldu family (a “be mini” session)
I love this family and love seeing them every year for pictures- watching the boys grow (and get more tolerant of me!) has been great and their dog is just the best- so well behaved and his choice in neck ware is always classic! You can see some of their past sessions here, here and here. Sorry for the short narrative but gotta keep digging out of my pile of editing. That, and have to figure out how to get the pine tar off of my pants butt from this mornings session.
I told you I was going to take your picture like this and post it!
the mori family (a “be mini” session)
the aiel family ( a “be mini” session)
Going super short on the narrative today- nothing quite like being 19 shoots behind in editing to stress me out! A brand new to bsquared family who were super cute and cuddly. Little mister man was a very happy and smiley guy, especially since we woke him up from his snooze for pictures!!
the rote family (a “be mini” session)
A family that’s been with me since the very early days of bsquared. And I know I say it all the time, but it’s true that 1. i looooove watching all “my” kids grow and change every year, and 2. I have the BEST clients! You can see some of their past sessions here, here and here. Loved the fun soccer theme for this year’s session!
the pull family (a “be mini” session)
A long time friend but a new to bsquared family (knew mom from high school!) on a overcast but lovely fall day at their home. Kids were a blast and super funny. My kinda family!