• senior sessions

    rachel’s senior session

    Rachel is my “niece” who I’ve known even before she was born. So you can imagine how completely in disbelief I am that she has just started her senior year in high school. I bought her very first outfit (her coming home from the hospital outfit) all in white with little pink hearts, babysat her countless times. And now I get to photograph her senior session. The days are long but the years are short. Ain’t it the truth?!

    Rachel is a surfer (she works at Skudin Surf Camp), loves her puppy Reef , hanging on the beach….and is so gorgeous.

    Had to take one quick one with Mama.
    Endless summer (don’t I wish!)And a last quick change to do a little surfing and hanging in the waves.The waves were too choppy to really surf, but I made her try anyway.Still hoping to get the bsquared senior sessions off the ground this year. If you know a high school senior that you think would be interested in a session with me, please pass my info along. I love doing them so much and would love to have seniors as a big part of the bsquared business!

  • children & families

    the colom family

    Fair warning: The blog is going to be very, very beachy the next week or two with my tons of sessions all done at the beach! Four nights in a row (and 2 additional nights earlier last week, plus a wedding on the beach!) spent at different Long Island beaches with amazing sunsets and fantastic families!

    This is one of my favorite bsquared families who just got home from their summer in Greece (yup, the whole summer) and while still a little jet lagged pulled off an amazing session again this year. I love photographing them and I got HUGE hugs and love from little Miss A this year. In past years she was so super shy. And the boys were fun and funny. You can see their last session here. (and I made sure that I didn’t call them the “colo” family again this year as I found out that in Greek that means ass!! I was clueless and always just use the first 4 letters of the family’s last name. Apparently not so good in this case!)

    How YOU doin’?Poor Dad gets the brunt of my abuse/joking at his expense, but it makes him and everyone else laugh so I don’t see that changing soon. He’s a great sport and a pretty awesome model!
    How cute are you up on the hill?A, you are gorgeous!And yes, N, you are too!!The water was a little colder than everyone had expected. 


  • children & families

    the mull kids

    A brand new to bsquared family who was brave enough to stay in the iffy weather with me for a session before school started. Kids were all still tan and relaxed and I think we had a great time! Well, I know I had a great time with such gorgeous subjects!!

    Love his annoyed face and his toothless grin. 

  • babies,  christenings

    kay’s christening

    A special christening for a special baby girl who’s family comes in to NY from their home in Chicago for each of their children’s baptisms. Last time it was their twin girls being baptized at their grandmother’s parish in Queens, and this time it was their newest baby Kay being baptized in her grandfather’s parish in Brooklyn. (there is a chance that I might have the grandparents and their parishes interchanged, so just bear with me on those details!) Like last time, there was family joining them all the way from Ireland to celebrate their day. Its always great to see the whole family, and thank you Eileen for being patient waiting for your pictures!

    Beautiful church, beautiful baby.Godmother.Proud parents and godparents.

  • children & families,  personal,  school

    back to school- timmy’s first day of 3rd grade

    And so it begins. I was less than happy when the alarm clock rang at 8am today (although I was sleeping that fitful sleep when you know you have to wake up and keep waking up to make sure you don’t oversleep). And if I thought 8am was a problem, wait until tomorrow when Jack & Patrick have to be up at 6am.

    Timmy was not thrilled to be done with summer and starting a new school year, but I think within the first week he’ll come around.

    Since the big boys don’t start until tomorrow, they decided to come along this morning to drop off Timmy. So sweet- they are such good big brothers. When they’re not all fighting.

    Timmy and Olivia in class together. So glad to see them together again (they’ve known each other since they were a few months old- Olivia is Timmy’s gymboree friend!)Timmy and one of his besties James in the same class, too. So happy!!Only 180 more wake ups to go.