update: bsquared fall calendar 2013 available 7/24
Hi all! Hope you are enjoying your summer a lot. I feel like I wait all year for the 3 months where I can go to the beach and pool and be somewhat lazy. It’s awfully nice to do all of that (but really, the heat is a little much. just 10 degrees cooler would be lovely) and to start thinking about the fall is like a total travesty. But business is business so I guess it’s time to at least start kinda thinking about it. Boo.
To that end, the bsquared fall calendar for sessions September thru November will be posted and open for booking starting July 24th. I will have weekend dates listed for both full and mini sessions and will have some limited weekday availability as well. I don’t generally list weekday dates (unless it’s a school holiday and I’m doing mini’s all day) because I never know what my schedule will look like until school starts, and sometimes not even then! So if you’re in the market for a weekday session, please feel free to email me and we’ll see what we can work out as the fall gets underway.
And because you know I can’t/won’t post without a picture, here’s the moon a few days before the “super moon” taken from my office window while editing. I missed the actual super moon, but thought this moon was still pretty cool. And I didn’t have to leave my chair.
robby’s christening
Getting closer to being caught up, but not quite there yet. Robby (who’s newborn session I did a few months ago) was christened a few weeks back at St Raymond and then celebrated with a big party back at his parents house. It was a lovely, but really hot, day and for the short time I was there it looked like everyone was having a great day, even Robby!
I love his chubby cheeks.
Not thrilled w the anointing process, and poor big sister Natalie looks worried. He was fine within seconds and went right back to sleep.
The big moment. Which he slept thru.
Now that’s one happy, blessed baby!
Yes, this is their backyard. The whole thing. Looks like an amusement park, right? So much of it (or possibly all of it) was destroyed during Sandy with the water in the river coming up so high it flooded their house too. But it’s gorgeous and perfect again after a ton of hard work.
Dad HATES getting his picture taken. This was perhaps the only time in my history of knowing this family that I didn’t have to remind him to smile. Knowing nothing about workshops myself even I could tell this one is beyond amazing. I love his neatness and organization.
There’s a fire pit under that table.
One of the owners of my dog I no longer own. Adorbs.
I’m sure you remember this handsome boy from his christening and party.
The next two pictures weren’t set up, but are so perfect. Besties and besties- the mothers to the daughters.
chris’s senior session
The last of my four senior session models. So sad to be finishing them up and really hoping we can get some more seniors to book with bsquared next year- I absolutely love doing them!! Chris was technically a junior at the time of the session but will be heading into his senior year at Valley Stream South in the fall. He’s a wrestler so we had to incorporate a little of that somehow (which was more challenging than you might think at a beach setting!)
The flies were vicious over in this area, but it was worth it. At least to me!
I may have to buy myself a pair of wrestling sneakers- they are so comfortable looking. Maybe good for weddings with my myriad of foot issues?
A little departure from my normal processing on this one, but thought it looked cool.
Good luck next year Chris! (but enjoy your summer first!)
the pana family
As a gift for their mom/grandma, this fantastic family chose a backyard session when they were all together for Annie’s high school graduation. The part of the family that was hosting the session live around the block from me so I rolled my suitcase of gear on over and shot in the pretty backyard with gorgeous light. The seemingly constant rain this year has been a huge pain and a giant bummer and caused so many sessions to be rescheduled, but when there is sun the light is amazing. So there’s that. I think mom/grandma was really happy to have all her kiddies (both grown and little) together and I hope I captured that in the photos.
Could not get enough of their curly hair.
Pretty & proud! And definitely not old enough to have those grown children, grandchildren and even one great grandchild.
Well, we tried.
Annie’s off to college in just a few short weeks.
All the grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
Nothin but curls and gorgeous light.
jenna’s prom
So with the “leprosy” going on around here (Jack & Patrick were sick with stomach viruses for 2 weeks) I am a little behind on editing. Trying to catch up and started with Jenna’s prom. They were lucky and had a beautiful day for their prom. A little before pictures at Jenna’s house with her friends and family, and then a few at the pre-prom party at her friend Tina’s (you might remember Tina from her sweet 16 I photographed a few years ago). Everyone looked fantastic and I’ve heard it was a great night.