danielle- bsquared senior sessions
Senior photography. (that would be seniors in high school, not senior citizens- but I’m up for photographing them too!) The funny thing is that senior photography is HUGE all around the country, but for reasons I can’t seem to figure out it’s just not catching on here in NY. I’m really trying to change that as it would be a fantastic market to work in. For those of you who don’t know what senior sessions are all about, I’d be photographing your high school senior- but not those boring yearbook type photos. Your senior would be photographed in clothes that they love, in a fitting setting (be it a park, or a beach, or a sports arena, or NYC, or wherever they’d like!). They can choose a few outfits to bring (everything from semi-formal, to prom/formal wear, to cap & gown, to favorite casual clothing). But to me, the best part about senior photography is the photographs of them doing what they love most. Be it dancing, a sport, reading, playing an instrument, computer geniuses, traveling, whatever. I want to capture that for them- at the time in their lives where all kinds of exciting adventures await and life changes so much, so quickly. And as parents, wouldn’t you much rather have pictures like that then the typical yearbook photo with the canned smiles? Seeing your child (no matter what age) captured doing what they love at a special time in their life is the best.
A few weeks ago I put a call out for a few high school seniors to be my guinea pigs for some bsquared senior sessions. And I got 4 of the most amazing seniors volunteer to help me out with my project. Dani is the first of the 4 I photographed and was so lovely and sweet, not to mention gorgeous and talented. She will be attending Muhlenberg College in the Fall (for dance!). Wishing you nothing but luck and school, Dani! Keep dancing and I can’t wait to say I knew you when.
So if you haven’t guessed yet, Dani is an accomplished dancer (of all types, but I asked her to bring her toe shoes.)
I can only think of the little ballerina in the jewelry box I had as a little girl when looking at this photo.
Please contact me (using the contact link above) if you are interested in your own senior session. We still have plenty of time before everyone leaves for college!
the mosc family {up in Boston}
On our baseball travels (John got tickets for the boys and him to sit on the Green Monster at Fenway), I was able to fit in a bsquared session up in Massachusetts for a high school friend. All the chips fell right and we were able to book the session while the boys were at Fenway (the hotel was literally 500 feet from the stadium so I got to take the car) and the rain just barely held off long enough for us to get our session in. And when I say just barely- I really mean it. You can see a few drops in some of the pictures.
Jane’s girls were soooo cute (love that red hair and blue eyes- just like their mommy!) and while I was warned that they were very quiet and super shy, I didn’t get any of that from them. Within the first 5 minutes of our session they were all chatty, animated, giggly and so much fun! I’d think they had a great time- I know I did!
Lovely family!
Love in the rain. Ahhhh….
Sisters with secrets.
Love the Tiffany blue chair with the coral dresses. Great call Jane!
Thanks for braving the rain, wet grass and crazy photographer from NY!
timmy’s turn for baseball
All the baseball on the blog seems to be for the big boys, today is Timmy’s turn. A compilation from a few of his games. And yes, he’s just as into it as his brothers and his dad.
Timmy’s BFF Jack.
My Jack helping out.
Someone’s got his game face on.
ssms v freeport
I was so not on my game this day and really only took a very few pictures. But at least there are a few.
And in other news, I’m working on something behind the scenes to help all my bsquared clients with displaying their favorite pictures from their session with me- something to tie together all my product offerings. Details coming soon!
timmy’s communion- the party (aka the communitzvah)
We ended up with a fabulous day (thank god) with tons of family and friends with amazing food, gorgeous decor and a happy communitzvah boy. The party theme was vintage baseball. What else would it be?
The lighting was kinda horrible to work with, but since they’re my own pictures and not a clients (and I was not busting out the lighting) it went into the category of it is what it is. The amazing “focal table”, all designed and implemented by the fantastic Jenn Evans from Jennifer Evans Events.
The food was beyond delicious (especially the appetizers- always my favorite!) and the service was outstanding, all provided by the amazing Fran Klier. Not only a fantastic chef, but a good friend and Royals family member.
Centerpieces. My favorite!
Vintage straws and coke bottles.
The drink table welcoming guests as they arrived.
The focal candy table in parts… Including Mommy’s Marshmallows.
Jenn wanted to do a special signature cocktail for the party. This is what we agreed on.
Baseball card graham cracker cookies and baseball cake pops.
Amazing cake (with three different layers- all different flavors) by The Cake Don.
“Forked” baseball iced oreos (stuck on a little tiny fork).
Some games for the kids.
Baseball wreath from baby toes on Etsy. And potted flowers from my friend Heidi. Which I’m happy to report I haven’t yet killed. Give it a few more weeks though.
Under the baseball big top.
Me and my girlies. Jen & Sharon.
Timmy and his besties. Liam & Jack.
My photografriend Shira who left her family party to come over for a few minutes to take some pictures so I could be in some.
Tricia and two of her three girls.
John and his crew. Ray, George, Nelson & Jim.
Me and Maureen all the way from Michigan.
Jack & Timmy.
Do not even ask me, cause I don’t know.
Karen, all three of my boys baby nurse. She used to be able to hold them both at once. And lived in my house for a total of 4 weeks. I still love her so.
Any guesses who?
Timmy and his godmother. As you can see I didn’t go crazy with the camera/picture taking during the course of the day. Was trying to be in the moment and enjoying the day as much as I could. It was a nice change of pace for me!