• children & families,  communions,  personal

    timmy’s communion- church & portraits

    Finally, finally getting to edit and post the pictures from Timmy’s communion. Gotta take care of all the client sessions first! We lucked out like crazy on the weather which was a huge factor- being that about 100 people were coming to our house for the party. Timmy’s allergies were pretty bad but he managed to suck it up for the day.

    Some of the boys while waiting for their mass to start. My friend Debra and her handsome son Thomas. (who did a reading during the mass and did a great job!)Chris (my friends Melissa & Mark’s son).Patrick (my friend Liz’s son) bringing up the gifts. Timmy on his way down the aisle, with partner Annie. Love that they are the same size. My handsomes after church.We surprised the boys yet again with a visit from Connor. Maureen is Timmy’s godmother so she came in from Michigan for the weekend (thanks again Maureen!!). We told the boys that only Katie (my goddaughter) was able to come with Maureen cause the boys had hockey and baseball. But Maureen worked it out so Connor could get away for the weekend. They were soooooo happy to be together and got about 8hrs of sleep the entire weekend. Too much catching up to do to sleep. A big thank you to my photografriend Shira www.shirazphotography.com who came for about 15 minutes to take some family pictures so I could actually BE in some of them for a change. She had a family party that she left to come quick to our house for a few photos. Now that’s a good friend!Me and the hubs.I’m wearing little heels and standing on a teeny tiny incline, but I think Patrick is just as tall as I am now if not taller. Sigh.No kisses.More pictures to come tomorrow of the party and decor. Can’t wait to show you!

  • beach,  birth session,  bsquared business,  personal,  travel

    10 for Tuesday (on Wednesday)

    So I’m a little behind…not new news.

    1. Timmy made his big commercial debut. This was the shoot we did up at an elementary school in CT (that it took us 5hrs to get to) for Carhartt. It was a really fun shoot and the resulting commercial is super cute. Timmy doesn’t get a lot of airtime, but there’s still some of him at :08 and again at :30.


    2. I posted on my bsquared Facebook page, but I know not all of you are on Facebook. bsquared will be in California and Arizona this summer. Here are the dates, please shoot me a message if you’re interested in a session out that way. I’d love to photograph a few families out there- totally new scenery and locations make me happy!! (you know, if I survive the flights!)

    San Francisco 8/3-5
    Los Angeles 8/6 daytime only
    San Diego 8/7-8/8
    LA again 8/9 (may not be available this day. plans still not settled)
    Phoenix AZ 8/10-12

    3. Feeling the need to do something for the families in Oklahoma. Thinking about what exactly is the best way to donate, but I think I’ll send some $ or gift cards. Does anyone know of any direct-type contacts out there? (a church or other local organization?) I don’t like sending to the Red Cross as I want to be sure the donation goes directly to the people who need it. After the whole Sandy experience here, I’ve heard from a lot of people who were in need of help didn’t get what they needed from the RC. If you have any direct contacts or know of any local places that are accepting donations (and are trustworthy) please let me know? Thanks.

    4. Yeah, this was from Fathers Day of last year. Figured I should get it posted before this year’s Fathers Day rolls around.

    5. One of my bsquared friends let me know that the Jake is born video isn’t working anymore, so I re-uploaded it and here it is again.


    6. So, Jodi Arias. She is either some kind of evil genius (saying she wants the death penalty and then she doesn’t. So maybe using reverse psychology will get her whatever it is that she actually wants.) or is bringing the game of crazy to an entirely new level. I have yet to decide. But that allocution yesterday was….something.

    7. And here is a snapshot from last summer’s town fireworks. Hanging at the Firehouse after shooting a wedding. And again, figured I should post it before this year’s fireworks have come and gone too.

    8. I have 4 senior sessions booked in the next few weeks- 2 girls and 2 boys. So excited to rock these out in some cool locations with awesome graduating high school seniors. I will post the pictures just as quick as I can once the shoots are done. Now if the weather is cooperative, that would be a huge step in the right direction.

    9. Some older ones of Timmy and his crazy hair (I think these were from January or so. When he still had teeth.). The kid consistently cracks himself up. I don’t know if you saw the conversation between him and Patrick yesterday that I posted on Facebook. But it was worth repeating, so here you go:

    kids are funny. Patrick’s watching Timmy and his friend outside and the conversation goes:
    P: Let’s make a deal (on what to play)
    T: No, no deals! (being bratty)
    P: Watch it Timmy or else I’m going to make you go upstairs and sit in your room alone.
    T (to me standing in the door): Can he even DO that??

    10. Can’t even believe that the school year is almost over and its time for the beach. We’re setting up the locker this weekend for our 14th summer at Sun & Surf. Just hoping the weather cooperates. I need to get out of the pollen-ridden town and head to the pollen-free beach for a few hours at least. My eyeballs are miserable.

  • babies,  children & families

    the taba family

    A brand new to bsquared family (thanks Ari for the referral!) who was my first session after Timmy’s communitzvah. I prayed for easy kids and nice weather- and pretty much lucked out on all accounts. We met up at Gerry Park in Roslyn for our session in full on midday sun, so we had to get a little creative finding some shade and to stay away (far, far away) from the ducks & geese that one of the girls did NOT like.

    They were tons of fun and loads of energy and I just adored the interaction between them all.

    Oh, hi there.I do love his horrified face.

  • children & families

    the farr family

    A winner of a bsquared giveaway for a free mini session, they “cashed in” their session a few weeks ago. We had to reschedule a few times due to weather, a bad fall, and other varied mishaps but in the end we got it done and that’s what’s important. This family has been through a LOT recently (yeah, thanks Sandy) so I was so happy to see some big smiles and a super strong love for each other while they were in front of my camera. I don’t doubt that this positive attitude and great commitment to each other helped them all pull through. Hoping for easier times ahead for you all!

    Mom is a bit of a photographer herself, so I tried to get as many pictures with her in them as possible. I know what that’s like…

    Yeah, I can still see you. But it was a nice try.