• children & families,  communions

    elle’s communion

    Another pretty communicant photographed at the Links. And although the earlier part of the day was gorgeous, about an hour before our session the clouds and fog rolled in and it dropped like 20 degrees. This is not been the year for good weather. But even a freezing little girl can put on a smile and brave the yuck weather for some pretty photos! At least the flowers were blooming.

    The one on the left is very “mad men”, don’t you think? I don’t know if its the shape of the dress or the style of the couch but I totally get that vibe. Its always my favorite to see a little (or a lot) of personality shine through. 

  • children & families,  communions

    katie’s communion

    Right after photographing Sam’s communion I walked over to the other side of the Links and met up with sweet Katie and her family for some portraits of her special day. The sky started to clear a little bit and at least there were a few blue skies and drops of sun. But it was still windy and chilly so we worked super fast to keep smiles on everyone’s faces.

    Love this one- reminds me of the snow queen.
    Before you freak out, Dad was right there and had his hand about an inch from Katie’s. I just photoshopped it out. Beautiful mommy & daughter. Yay for communions!

  • communions,  occassions & parties

    sammy’s (carnival) communion

    I’ve been photographing this fantastic family for a few years now and was so happy to be asked back to photograph their youngest son’s communion. Another not so nice weather day, but we were lucky there was no rain. I met them at their home for some family portraits and then over to the super fun carnival themed party to capture more of Sammy’s day.

    He is pretty squeezable. Attack the photographer!

  • baseball,  personal

    royals vs glen cove

    Another day, another baseball blog post. (oh, and another two games today- SSMS and Timmy’s Little League game). The game vs Glen Cove didn’t go great, but the light was so pretty I couldn’t resist.

    Jack at bat.Anthony.Still the fastest kid I’ve ever seen in real life. Totally safe.Mark. James and his dad. Mr. A is the pied piper of kids. Especially Timmy.More Mark.Mr Klier on the mound.Michael at 3rd.
    Patrick and a little toofless Timmy.
    Johnny pitching.Anthony and dad.Yeah, thanks Glenn.Nick. Jack C behind the plate.Patrick got a great hit (which I missed. Again.)Mike L.Glenn.And Timmy running the bases at the end of the game. Obviously he had a game earlier in the day.A talk from Coach Healy.
    Discussing Meatloaf. And a few of my boys in gorgeous light. Patrick.Jack. And what my porch looks like from April thru October. More communions and baseball coming up this week on the blog. Stay tuned. And once I get all the client sessions edited, I’ll post Timmy’s communion photos. So, like July.

  • baseball,  communions,  personal

    my boy

    We’re celebrating Timmy’s first communion today! Plenty of pictures soon from special day and  his “vintage baseball” themed party to come. But here’s a really, really toofless one taken recently, although now he’s missing one more on the top. And he got a haircut so he’s not the shaggy dog anymore.