• children & families,  communions

    sarah’s communion

    A beautiful young lady (who is in Timmy’s class) who recently made her communion. The weather barely held out for us, but we did get it done before the rain. There was crazy wind for the whole shoot but they were all troopers and we made it thru with some great pictures and a ton of fun, too.

    Sarah’s so grown up looking and was such a pleasure to photograph.

    Just a little windy…Love these two so much!A little of the devil in this one!

  • baseball,  school

    ssms v oceanside

    So far, we haven’t been real lucky with the weather on game days. Today might be the first nice one if the weather lasts-I’ve worn my winter coat to the last two SSMS baseball games. Unfortunately, another loss for the team and Jack sat the bench this game. But at least I got some decent pictures (I was able to get onto the field this time).

  • baseball,  personal,  school

    ssms baseball vs. uniondale

    The SSMS first baseball game of the year, so of course I took pictures. And ironic isn’t it. That this blog is somehow turning into a baseball blog. When you all know how I feel about baseball…

    They didn’t win but played a good game. Jack had two great plays at first and a nice hit. I’m sure you’ll recognize a few of the faces from the Royals and from football last year.

  • personal,  photography,  travel

    timmy’s magazine debut

    Last summer I took a photo workshop with the absolutely amazing Zoe Berkovic. We became friends (she really likes my cursing and zombie obsession!) and when she put a casting call out for a size 7 boy for an editorial shoot on Facebook, I barely restrained myself from jumping thru the computer to post “I HAVE A SIZE 7 BOY!!!!!”. Zoe was shooting an editorial spread for the brand new Teresa & Thomas magazine up in Big Indian, NY (which is like a 2.5hr + drive, but I would’ve driven to Portugal for a Zoe shoot!) and Timmy was accepted as a model for the shoot. He made his big debut in the 1st edition of the magazine last week and of course, I am in lurve with the photos.

    This was the start of the whole modeling thing for Timmy. He’s really liking it and we’re having fun.

    This was one of his full page spreads:

    The picture on the left was another in the magazine. I love his pissed off face in the one on the right- that was taken after the whispering picture when Zoe asked the boys to kiss the girl on the cheek. The left was another full page in the mag.
    And the rest are all pictures that didn’t make it into the magazine, but are fantastic nonetheless. Zoe even took a few of me with my boy. Love!And a few shots of the magazine itself. Taking pictures of pictures are never as good as the real thing but wanted to show you the magazine.

    This was the “story” he was in.

    A big thank you to Zoe for the use of the photos, and to Stacie Fitzgerald for styling Timmy for the session.