• babies,  children & families,  christenings

    kieran’s christening- part 1

    Usually I don’t post Christenings in two parts, but there was just so much picturey-goodness to share here! So here we go with a few from the getting ready and the ceremony parts of Kieran’s special day. He is a much loved little boy!

    Lots of familiar family faces in this shot. Someone only has eyes for mommy.A very busy day at St. Agnes with 10 babies (!!!) being baptized.More tomorrow…

  • personal

    in my thoughts, boston.

    Can’t really find the words I want to write. But can’t stop thinking about the disgusting, cowardly, horrible bombings in Boston yesterday. Especially of that 8 year old boy who was killed. Cause I have an 8 year boy with a similar gap-toothed smile, who is also a big time little-leaguer, who is also making his communion soon. Can’t fathom. So sad and so stupid and just a total waste. I have that same pit in my stomach I had during 9/11 and for weeks (months?) afterward. Why does this have to happen? Does it solve any problems for those doing these things? You can’t go to school, or to work, or to a sporting event, or on a plane. How do you live in this world? I don’t know.

    Thinking of you, Boston.

  • personal


    And now the other big front tooth on the top is hanging by a thread- otherwise known as the snaggletooth. So by the time his communion rolls around in another 3 weeks, he’ll be completely toothless (or toofless).


  • baseball,  personal,  school

    jack & patrick

    A few favorite shots I made them take for me recently. Getting them to take pictures for me lately is like pulling teeth, but as long as I don’t ask too often I think we’re ok. Sorta.

    The funny thing is that they’re wearing the opposite colors that are normally “theirs”.



    A lot going on for them lately (mostly baseball related) and they are so excited about starting Regis in the fall (and I’m still so proud!!). Going to be a very interesting year!

  • bsquared business,  product,  weddings

    a wedding album

    Just a few pictures (that I took last fall in Central Park- yeah, I know) of Jess & Ian’s wedding album I thought I would share today.

    Going to be trying a new vendor for a new kind of album that I’m hoping to put into rotation for bsquared. More of a storybook for family sessions. I’ll keep you posted, but let me know what you think of that idea.