emily’s first communion
Another new to bsquared family I was so happy to meet and photograph. Emily will be celebrating her first communion in a few weeks so we took a few pictures of her and her family to capture her gorgeous dress and special day. And so begins communion season…
it’s that time of the year
Baseball season. When everything is baseball, all the time. The big boys are playing for the Royals again (and John is coaching again) and have their first game tonight, they are also trying out for the middle school baseball team (and made it thru the first round of cuts. Final cuts are next week) and if that’s not enough, they are also umping Little League games and then helping out John with coaching Timmy’s team. Oh, and John’s coaching Timmy’s Mort Gellar League team too. And of course there are season tickets to the Mets and Yankees. So it’s back to baseball all the time. And laundry. Oh my god- the laundry.
I missed taking pictures on opening day for the Mets so I took a few super quick ones last night on their way to the Mets game. I was super rushed for the last 2 so the lighting is bad, composition is bad, but at least I got them before they left.
I have some “toothless” pictures to post from the moment right after he lost his tooth which I probably should have posted before these, but that’s not happening cause I haven’t edited those yet…
And as much as I loathe baseball, I’m happy for them that it’s their favorite time of year. And I like watching my boys play. So now if I could just do something about the laundry…
introducing…baby aidan
A brand new to bsquared family who just welcomed their 4th beautiful baby. Mom told me that they weren’t planning on doing a newborn shoot, but the way their older children reacted to the baby with so much love and amazement, she said she couldn’t pass it up. I hope I captured some of the love they share!
I hope he keeps that dimple!
Apparently, being awake is something that doesn’t happen very often. Glad I caught it!
All the kids have the coolest rooms.
Congratulations on your newest addition. He fits right in to your lovely family!
introducing…baby robert
I can hardly even believe that I was back at their house to photograph their new gorgeous baby boy- because it feels like only a few months ago that I was there to photograph their baby girl. Who is now a beautiful big girl. Time does fly.
I think she’s in love already!
Their original baby, Hurricane. Dad is an alum of the U, too.
My favorite!
the bsquared summer calendar- now open for booking
Well, in hopes that this post will somehow force summer to come (or at least spring. Can’t we have some weather that is not winter? Please?) because my great plan of purchasing flip flops a week ago didn’t work out so well. John said that leaving them out on the table wasn’t really quite the same as putting Mary in the window- hey, it was worth a shot. So I’m opening up the bsquared summer calendar thru August for booking. You can find that calendar here.
I opened it up yesterday to subscribers of the bsquared newsletter (which you can subscribe to if you aren’t already by clicking the b2 newsletter tab on the left side of your screen. It’s worth it to get a jump on the fall calendar before it goes ‘public’ this summer.) and a lot of dates went quickly, especially beach sessions. So it gives me hope that maybe other people think summer might actually come this year too. If you’re interested in booking a date, you can email me (at bethbeyrer at yahoo dot com), leave me a message here on the blog or on my Facebook bsquared page or text me or call me or send me smoke signals- whatever your preferred method of communication might be. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Dates are booked first come, first served.
And since I’ll be taking bsquared on the road a little bit this year (Boston for Memorial Day weekend. California, Arizona & Nevada in early August) I’m hoping to meet some new bsquared friends and take fabulous pictures in totally new (to me) locations. So hit me up if you live out that way or will be visiting the same time I will be and we’ll get you set up for a bsquared session. In a whole ‘nother state!!
And here’s a summer shot. Cause I know I’ve almost forgotten how it actually looks. (still have to scope out the beaches before the summer season- see where we will be shooting and what dunes are missing from Sandy. Going to be interesting.)