• personal,  pets

    visiting wrigley

    A few weeks after our last visit (can’t even believe how big she’s getting so fast), we got to visit “our dog we no longer own”. This was Timmy’s first visit with Wrigley since we had to give her away and even though he kept his hands in his pockets the whole time (so he wouldn’t pet her- so he wouldn’t get all allergic) he still had a great time visiting her. There was lots of running around the backyard with both dogs (Wrigley and her big/little brother Wilson) and the boys totally wore her out. She’s now about 4.5 months old and is as gorgeous as I thought she would be. Thick boned (she’s going to be a big girl who will probably still think she’s a lap dog when she’s 90lbs!), gorgeous white fur and deep black pigment. And that little pink tongue and “golden smile”- she’s drop dead gorgeous.

    The below pic was taken on our 2nd day with Wrigley- quite a difference, right?

    This is big/little brother Wilson. So cute!They totally fight like brother and sister. Lots of growling and barking (mostly from Wilson) but then they continue to goad each other and play more. Worn out.

    Thanks again Mrs. P and family for the visit

  • personal,  travel

    out east

    Finally back from out great Disney vacation (pictures from there coming eventually, but if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, then you’ve most likely seen most of them already). I downloaded a blog app and drop boxed my photos so I could blog while we were away from the iPad, but you can see by the very quiet blog how well that worked.

    So I have lots to catch up on, including pictures from the summer and fall. Sad but true. Here’s a bunch from our annual trip to the “east house” over Columbus Day weekend.

    He picked some flowers just for me.Another citizen of Pakiscandinavia. She had an official greeting role at the pumpkin patch. Never knew this was what brussels sprouts looked like as they grew. Yum!!And we even got in a quick visit with our friends who have a house out that way. My very own children of the corn. 

  • personal

    a little snow session

    I somehow convinced (guilted) Timmy into doing a snow session for me this past weekend after Nemo came thru. We got lucky with only about 8 inches of snow, but other parts of the area got over 2 feet! We trudged thru good old Hempstead Lake and we both ended up having a really great time! This is one of my favorite shoots to date. Sorry, a bit of overload below…

    The “angry” hat. Totally modelly. A new friend from the park. We also met a Husky (too busy running to take pictures) and two Great Danes. 

  • personal,  travel

    central park zoo

    We’re heading backwards in time here on the bsquared blog. I’m still trying to catch up from the fall! While the boys were taking their test for Regis, Timmy, John, Mr. Healy (aka Mr. Meatloaf) and I walked over to the Central Park Zoo so we could occupy a few hours. It was a beautiful day (not that I actually remember the weather from mid November, but I’m guessing so from the lack of jackets in the pictures!) and the zoo was so fun and cute. Perfect size for the time we had to spend there.

    Fake smile, but still cute.Just taking a little sun…A royal guard from the Pakiscandinavian Navy. (Last year at Disney, we “discovered” a new country- Pakiscandinavia. Their queen occasionally waitresses at the Plaza Restaurant in the Magic Kingdom.)His new go to smile as of late.I think this was the bird that shit on my camera. And hand. Yeah, that happened.Just glad it was not this bird that was the one doing the shitting.Our favorite animal of the day- a Red Panda. So cute. Timmy got his own  Red Panda and asked me to take a few shots at some of the monuments on the way back to Regis to get the boys.

  • personal

    a busy weekend- part 3

    My nephew Quinn celebrated his big 0-3 recently and had a great little party at the Nunley’s Carousel. They did such a great job refurbishing it and it’s as good as (if not better than) new. Such fond memories of Nunleys- I still miss it!!

    Timmy was finally big enough to grab some rings!

    That’s my favorite horse that Timmy’s riding- the one with the roses. But I remember it being white.