a busy weekend- part 2
Wrigley’s new family invited us over for another visit (they’re the best ever!) so armed with Skittles for the girls and the little camera we headed out to see “our” puppy. Can’t even believe how big she’s gotten in just 2 weeks since our last visit. And how much fur was all over me when I left. Sorry about the blurry pictures. Had the little camera with me- I need to bring the big guns next time!
Isn’t she just a gorgeous puppy? Starting to see what she’s going to look like as a big dog (which will be here before we blink!).
Thanks again to the P family, who are so generous with their hospitality and time and so sweet always inviting us over. Sometimes I just need a puppy hit, ya know? And I just love her running and jumping full tilt into my lap every visit. She’s a great dog.
a busy weekend- part 1
Not much to post in the way of client photos (although I will have an adorable newborn boy and his family to post up soon) so you’re stuck with personal pictures for a little while. If it’s too boring (which it very may well be!!) please feel free to skip the blog for the next week.
On Saturday evening we were invited to attend the Williams Syndrome Gala at Leonards by our good friends Rob & Jill- from the Royals family. We shared a table with a few other Royals families and a limo too. I brought the little camera and just took a very few pics. And I’m getting my roots done this weekend. Obviously.
Jill and her “accessory” for the evening.
The Healy’s & the Beyrers. Always trouble…
bsquared photography tutorials
So here it is the slow season for photography- no weddings until the summer, no family sessions scheduled until March. And I’m trying to shoot for myself a bit, catch up on some projects, make some overdue doctors appointments/check ups, but if you know me you know I’m not happy unless I have about a million balls in the air all at once. So to that end, I’m offering some photography and photoshop tutorials to any bsquared readers/clients/friends who might want to learn how to better use their cameras (read: get out of auto mode and learn what all those dials and buttons actually do!!) learn some post processing in photoshop or lightroom, and learn a bit about photography in general. I’ll be offering both group classes as well as private lessons. All you’ll need is an SLR camera (the “big” ones where the lenses are interchangeable) and a brain. It would probably help to bring both to class.
Please note that the classes are only for beginners or those with some photography experience. No professional photographers nor those looking to become one. Just those of you who want to learn to do a great job taking pictures of your families/kids/parties/vacations.
Classes will be held in my home in the month of February, possibly adding a few in March depending on the interest and availability.
Daytime classes or private lessons for 2hrs available between the hours of 9:30am-12:30pm (we can get started anytime in that window). Evening classes or private lessons starting at 8:30pm until 10:30pm. A class is 3 or more people. 2 people is still considered a private lesson. We can decide on a syllabus for your class or private lesson based on what best fits your needs and what you want to learn.
Prices are $70 per person for a 2hr class, $85 per person for a 2hr private lesson. Discounts available to anyone who’d like to sign up for more than one 2hr class/lesson. Please contact me at bethbeyrer at yahoo dot com or thru the contact bar above if you’re interested in signing up! Looking forward to helping you on the other side of the lens!!
You too can be a professional like me. Where is that sarcasm font when you need it?
nancy’s headshots
I first met Nancy a few years ago at the Education Foundation Gala- Dancing with the Teachers where she was a great “volunteer” dancer. She’s also a teacher in Timmy’s school so I’ve come to know her better over the past 2.5 years. She’s a really sweet lady and looked so pretty for our brief yet busy session together at her home. We lucked out with the weather- it was supposed to rain but didn’t and the cold wasn’t so terribly cold. She needed some headshots for a personal project she’s working on, so we did a few different looks. I love the ones in the kitchen the best- she looks so comfortable and at ease.
a little sun & beach
Looking out my office window it’s snowing hard today. All the more reason to post up some beach & sun pictures from our recent Florida vacation. Woke up early one day to get them all out for a sunrise session on the beach. So worth it! (and don’t hate. I’m in the snow and freezing with the rest of you now).
Yup, there really is a height discrepancy between them now.