• baseball,  personal,  travel

    trip to atlanta

    So this trip was back in June. Yes, June. That should explain why I wasn’t able to send any Christmas cards this year. Too busy with work to edit any personal photos much.

    To continue on with our baseball stadium tour, we visited Atlanta for a long weekend. Luckily, our good friends Celeste, Ryan and Peyton live there & our other friends Laura & Matt live not too far away. Laura was in town with her boys anyway so we were able to meet up with them as well.

    I didn’t really take many pictures (maybe cause I knew I would just have to edit them!) but here’s what there was. And not one picture of me with Celeste. Bummer.

    The kids on the way into the Aquarium.

    And then before the game. Timmy let Pey go first to make sure it was safe. Then he got a tomahawk.Love these girls so! And their mom too, even if there are no pictures. 

  • children & families,  elf on the shelf

    the schm family

    Definitely a favorite session for this year, just for the fun factor alone. So I know many of you were disappointed that Bob (our elf on the shelf) didn’t make a blog appearance this year, but here he is! Mom had a great idea for the session and wanted their elf in it but she forgot him at home so there was a last minute emergency run to my house to pick up Bob!

    Such handsome boys…

    Bob is always watching. So if you’re naughty……you better start being nice.And we ended the shoot with a little dancing Gangnam style.

  • bsquared business,  children & families

    the boeh family

    Took a day off from blogging now that I’m on vacation but back to business as usual today. Had a great first day on vacation. It was a balmy 80 degrees with plenty of sunshine, an hour + massage, lunch at Roman’s on the beach, hanging by the pool with the boys, reading, going for a run/walk, dinner at Padrino’s (our favorite Cuban place) and some yummy dessert. Hate all you want- I’ve been waiting all year for this vacation!!

    Had a great session with these lovely ladies a while ago and finally getting to blog them.

    Don’t forget there is still time to nominate a family for a free “Sandy Session”. You can find all the details here. Skip down to #6 for details on the free Sandy sessions. Hope to hear from you, and please feel free to share on Facebook or with anyone you know who might be interested.

  • children & families,  personal,  pets

    we got a puppy for Christmas!!

    This will either be the greatest thing or the stupidest mistake I ever made. Time will tell. (and John is definitely on the side of stupidest mistake ever). So here’s our puppy girl Wrigley who will be making her grand New York debut at the end of the first week of January. She’s an English Golden Retriever, born in early November in Missouri.

    Are you saying “awwwwwww” yet?

    Here’s how it happened: So after photographing a zillion families this year and seeing how many of my repeat clients got dogs since our last year’s sessions, and the boys asking me for a dog for years and years, and doing this session and falling a little in love, it was suddenly inevitable that we’d be getting a puppy. If you know me at all, you know that once I get an idea in my head, I MUST have that thing happen like 5 minutes ago. I asked my friend/client Jeanne (the owner of the english golden in the linked shoot above) for her breeder. The breeder was expecting 2 litters in November, with puppies available in February. I got on her list but I was already pretty far down. As it turned out, the first litter didn’t yield enough puppies for everyone on the list and the second litter was miscarried. So sad. I was totally obsessed at this point and HAD TO HAVE a puppy. Immediately. So after a ton of research, I found another breeder (this time in Missouri) with a litter due in early November with room on the waiting list. I decided I was definitely getting a girl puppy- with the ridiculous number of boys in this house, I thought it was time to have a little more pink in my life. The puppies were born and a week ago the breeder chose puppies for each family on her list. I asked for the sweetest, most mellow, easily trainable, creamiest puppy she had and we got “Ms. Pink” (how appropriate!). I’ve been stalking the poor breeder for as many pictures as possible. Wrigley would be ready to come home to us this week but with Christmas and vacation, we figured after the Regis interviews would be better timing. With January thru March being my really slow time with work I can spend lots of time with her.

    I already have her signed up for puppy kindergarten, and have already met with a trainer (who is coming back for a minimum of 3 sessions once Wrigley is here), have a vet and managed to purchase all the supplies- all without the boys finding out a single thing! We surprised them on Christmas Eve after dinner at my in laws. Here’s how it went down:

    I bought a tag (etsy!), collar and leash along with a pink stuffed puppy. Jen (who has been the biggest supporter of my puppy-mania. We know that Wrigley and her golden retriever Holly will be BFF’s just like Timmy and Jack are, and Jen and I are!) bought this adorable frame (thanks Jen!)and I put the pictures I got from the breeder in it.

    We assembled the boys in the den for the big surprise. Opening…Not really getting it…Still totally confused…Got it.Just a little happy!

    I’m under absolutely no illusions that this dog will be my responsibility no matter how much they claim that they will help. And it’s going to make traveling a little challenging, as well as heading to the beach this summer. But with the help of friends (Uncle Nelson is super excited to puppy sit!) and family I think it’s doable. I know it’ll be a ton of work for quite a while, but I’m really excited to have a little puppy girl in the house to keep me company all day. And if people who work all day (like 8-9 hrs 5 days a week) can do it and have happy, well behaved puppies then I think I can manage too. Right??!? So prepare yourself for a ridiculous amount of puppy pictures on the blog (yup, I’m going to be that girl!) starting in early January.

    Hope you all have a wonderful, magical Christmas with family and friends and tons of blessings and love!!

  • babies,  children & families,  personal

    annual cousins christmas pictures

    Hello all! I wrapped up my very last session for 2012 yesterday- a christening for a beautiful baby girl. Came home, downloaded the pictures to the computer, answered a few emails, tidied up the office, and with that? I’m on vacation!! Ok, well I’m never REALLY on vacation but this is as close as I get!

    Every year we do a Christmas picture of all the cousins and a shot with grandma & grandpa too for their card. We usually do it at the beach club on Fathers Day when we’re all there together, but we weren’t all together there this year because baby Joe was so little and it was just too much to bring those three out for brunch. We had the pictures scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving, but Sandy hit and we were the Beyrer Refugee Center to many, including all the cousins/aunts/uncles/grandparents since we were the only ones with power. And heat. We even had some overnight guests. So even though everyone was sorta unshowered, not dressed up (my kids didn’t even have shoes on!), and just generally casual we figured it was the perfect time to do the pictures anyway since we were all together and everyone was having fun hanging out together. It’s definitely a memory!

    So here are all the cousins- all 9 of them. And for those of you who are new to the blog-yes, they are all boys. Not one single girl. From top row left: Timmy, Jack, James, Brendan, Quinn (not happy about the pictures), Patrick, Baby Joe, Aidan and Sean is in the front.

    Jack, Patrick & Timmy hanging with Brendan enjoying 21st century electronics and power. Aunt Gail with Quinn, James & Aidan. Uncle Joe with baby Joe.Aunt Gail and baby Joe. Baby Joe. And the whole group with Grandma & Grandpa. Quinny was a little happier on Grandpa’s lap. 

    Family is a great thing! Even (or especially) during a hurricane and thereafter.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Eve! See you here on the blog tomorrow! (you’ll definitely want to pop in tomorrow if you can).