• personal

    the halloween that wasn’t

    With everything that happened with Sandy, Halloween was really a huge bust this year. Since school was cancelled  so was the annual Halloween parade. And since life was pretty much cancelled too, trick or treating wasn’t technically allowed. Being that we really never lost power other than 2.5 hours during the storm, we had a house full of guests (some staying over, some staying long enough to eat or charge up their stuff) including Joe & Gail and their boys. Timmy was dying to get out to trick or treat a little, so we took James along (sans costume but with his firetruck sweatshirt and real fireman’s hat from Uncle John, it worked out just fine) for a once around the block trick or treating to maintain some semblance of Halloween. It was a little scary out there with lots of wires down all over, trees toppled over into the streets so we were really super careful and made sure to go out before it got dark.

    Timmy decided on his own that he wanted to be a Canadian Mountie this year. Do you have any idea how impossible it is to find a kids Canadian Mountie costume?? They don’t make them. So we found the hat, and I found a kids Queens Guard uniform, and then found a site for the leather baldric (didn’t even know what that was called before I started looking for that) in kids sizes. So a lot of work (research, not sewing. Do you know me at all?!) went into this costume for a year without a real Halloween. At least I got some pictures.

  • weddings

    renee & mookie {the portraits}

    I was lucky enough to be asked to photograph Renee & Mookie’s very small, but very happy wedding this November. We started off on Village Green before heading over to Alias Smith & Jones in Oceanside for the ceremony and reception. They are such a happy couple and Mookie can make Renee laugh with just a look.

    I loved her dress. So beautiful, elegant and perfect for her.Gorgeous bride!Just one outside the restaurant. More to come soon. 

  • children & families,  pets

    the nevi family

    A quick session for Timmy’s BFF (who’s Mom also happens to be one of my BFF’s) and his family, including their dog Holly. Who has the be the most patient pup I’ve ever seen. Ever. And I just realized that my blog is becoming dog central. So many sessions this year with dogs included in the family sessions. I’m loving it!

    And back to editing for me.

  • couples,  military families,  pets

    emily & nate

    Emily contacted me a while back to let me know her husband Nate would be home on R&R from active duty in Southeast Asia (*edited to add: I mistakenly wrote Nate was deployed to Afghanistan. I get numerous calls from military families and guess I just mixed up his location, sorry). She found me thru Operation Love Reunited, but OpLove doesn’t include R&R in their free sessions so I decided to just do this session for them on me. Really, it’s the least I could do to thank him (& Emily) for his service! We met up at the Garden City Cathedral grounds for a mini session with their dog Webster.

    Love these two shots- favorites for sure. 
    Webster is still a puppy (and the longest, all legs and tail puppy I’ve ever seen! Oh, and tongue.) and has the craziest amount of energy, but comes right over when called. And smiles for the camera.)Oh, hello pretty.

  • bsquared business,  organic bloom frames,  product

    holiday deadlines, 2013 info

    Not a very catchy title for a blog post, I know. But a little housekeeping is in order for today.

    If you haven’t yet ordered your holiday cards, tomorrow FRIDAY 12/7 is the last day to do so. I’m happy to help you with a proof and photo selection. You can find the 2012 card collection here.

    If you haven’t yet placed an order for your prints and disc from your 2012 bsquared session, or if you’d like to order any bsquared products (iPhone cases, canvases, mini books, window frames, lay flat albums) or enlargements for guaranteed holiday delivery, all orders are due no later than this MONDAY 12/10. 

    If you’re interested in any of the above items, or Organic Bloom frames or Luxe albums for delivery AFTER the holidays, please shoot me an email and we can get started on your order. I’m also more than happy to come to your home in the new year to help you measure, select color swatches, design a whole wall gallery..whatever you need.

    The bsquared 2013 calendar (by the way, just need to mention that I think this may have been the fastest year ever. I feel like I just opened the 2012 calendar!) will be open for booking by 1/7/13 for sessions held in January thru May 2013. If you’ve already contacted me about a 2013 session, I do already have you on the calendar and will be in touch with you to get you your welcome packet and work out all of the details for your session or event after 1/7/13. I’m looking forward to another year of smiling faces, giggles,  happy families and clients who become friends!

    Thank you to all of you for making 2012 a great year!! Back to regular blogging tomorrow, but I can’t do a blog post without a picture. So here’s one of warmer days…