• children & families

    the slat family

    A family of four gorgeous girls (who my blog stalkers will recognize from their oldest daughters sweet 16 earlier this year, and from a family session for the littlest’s christening last year). I always love seeing them and photographing them- they’re all as sweet as they are beautiful!

    Sometimes you just need your mommy. And a candy cane.Such a good sharer.

  • children & families

    the bart family

    My three “nieces” (yeah, we’re totally not related but they are anyway) that get more gorgeous every year. Bitsy was home from college over the Thanksgiving weekend so I ran over for our annual session. Even brought the boys with me to hang out for a bit.

    See what I mean about the gorgeousness?

    Had to take a few shots on their staircase who’s railing was “redesigned” by Sandy and a tree. Reminded me of something out of a Dr. Seuss illustration. 

  • occassions & parties,  sweet 16

    hannah’s sweet 16

    Meeting Hannah and her family was such a pleasure- everyone was so very nice and the party was a blast! She was definitely sweet and beautiful and seemed to really enjoy her birthday celebration. And on top of everything else- she’s fluent in spanish. I loved the parts of the candle lighting where she spoke only in spanish (not that I understood it, but it was cool!)

    Brother & sisters.

  • children & families

    the parn family

    Four boys to keep me on my toes- and they did! The two smaller guys wanted to be ANYWHERE but at the park taking pictures. But after we went over by the dog run they seemed to deal with me a little better! Headed back to edit another session, so apologies for the short narrative.

  • children & families

    the mcwa family

    A new to bsquared family, but a family (well, at least a mom) that I’ve known for a while thru school. So glad I got to meet the rest of them and take some family photos for them this year, before their oldest is off to college next year. We braved Hempstead Lake after Sandy and found some small areas that weren’t totally wrecked and still had a few leaves here and there.

    I found out that this gorgeous young lady is a dancer so I asked her to indulge me for a moment or two. Very impressive, especially considering the skinny jeans.