• bsquared business,  organic bloom frames

    black friday sale- organic bloom framing

    Hi blog stalkers- hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving (and for those of you who aren’t from America- a great Thursday!) I have so much in my life to be thankful for- my husband, my boys, my extended family, my friends, a delicious meal, a lovely home, health and you, my fabulous clients!! I count so many of you among my friends even if we only see each other once a year for your session. I love watching your families grow- from little kids growing up, to new babies and even new puppies! I’m so thankful that I have such an amazing job that lets me capture joy. All. the. time!!

    To “celebrate” black friday bsquared and Organic Bloom are offering a great deal (there are never any discounts on OB frames, so this is a big deal!) on their gorgeous, unique custom frames. It’s a buy 3 get one free deal for 8×10 or 5×7 frames, and a buy 6 get one free for the ornament frames. See the details below. (all the frames have to be of one style and all the frames have to be of one color) If you order tomorrow, they are guaranteeing shipment by 12/14/12. The frames are limited, so please order immediately to ensure you get the great deal.

    You can find more about the Organic Bloom frames here and here.

    1. Set of 4 8×10’s for the price of 3 (1 style, 1 color, limited to Black, Espresso, Parchment, Flamenco Red, Silver, or Bronze)
    2. Set of 4 5×7’s for the price of 3 (1 style, 1 color, limited to Black, Espresso, Parchment, Flamenco Red, Silver, or Bronze)
    3. Set of 6 Ornaments for the price of 5 (1 style, 1 color, limited to Black, Espresso, Parchment, Flamenco Red, Silver, or Bronze)
  • children & families,  pets

    the ditc family

    A good post for Thanksgiving- cause these are some of my clients that I’m very thankful for. They are also known as the daughters I’ll never have. I’m sure you’ll recognize them from the blog before, and this year they have a whole new family member- a new Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy. So cute!

    Wishing all of you bsquared blog stalkers a very happy Thanksgiving! Stay tuned to the blog tomorrow for a Black Friday Organic Bloom frame special offer. 

  • children & families

    the sand family

    I was so happy to see this family again this year, I love photographing these kids! Going short on the narrative again to try to get more sessions edited.

    The boys treat their little sister like a princess- so sweet to see.