• children & families

    the simm family

    I’m sure you’ll remember these lovelies from their shoot back in the fall. I was so happy when mom called me for another shoot.


    The whole family is supremely photogenic, even the dog. Seriously.




    Love the inbetween moments of the family portrait. Sometimes even more than the portrait itself.


    They are expecting their 4th baby in the spring (I know, mom looks ridiculously amazing. So unfair!) and everyone’s pretty excited about it. The baby’s sex is going to be a surprise. And I get to photograph him or her when he or she makes their appearance. Yay!)



    And this picture…totally love. Love the light, the graininess, the husband’s reflection in the mirror. All of it.


    Something special about kids in their element. It really brings out their inner smiles and shows their personalities so much.




    Thanks so much for a fun morning! Can’t wait for our next shoot!!

  • personal

    happy valentines day!

    Timmy’s the only boy left in the house to hand out Valentines at school (sad, really). So here’s what we made for his friends this year.


    The big boys came home with a few minimal valentines from school, but that was it.

    And a few outtakes from our 5 minute shoot.


    I have a few thousand blog posts that I’m behind on. Planning on getting some pictures edited before leaving for Disney so I’ll have some stuff to post when we’re away.

    Hope everyone has a great Valentines Day! And some extra special Valentines love to my wonderful, patient husband! Love you!!

  • personal,  travel

    16. version 1

    Put this mosaic together and figured it was perfect for a little smattering of pictures from our Dec/Jan trip to Florida. There are more than what can fit in 16, so there will be another few mosaics coming up.

    All of the pictures were taken with the point n shoot and taken by either Timmy, Jack, Patrick or John. I think I took like one.


    1. Timmy in the rental car with his Leapster.

    2. Blue sky

    3. boys at beach in Sanibel

    4. all of us at Dolphins game

    5. MetLife blimp over the apartment

    6. helicopters in parking lot of LandShark Stadium

    7. a seat in LandShark Stadium

    8. a ‘spider’ at dinner (the first one Timmy freaked out over and smashed and stomped on like it was real)

    9. LandShark Stadium

    10. big boys on way to beach in Sanibel

    11. Patrick at golf range (good form, no?)

    12. more football (it was my, timmy’s and the boy’s first NFL game ever. And we only made it thru the first half because everyone was HOT and tired and whiney).

    13. Jack’s self portrait, complete with crazy eyes

    14. a little ocean dip

    15. big boys and John & Hakka went to Gulfstream for a few races

    16. palm tree at Ft. Myers hotel courtyard. It was about 38 degrees that night.

    More soon…

  • personal

    that’s quite enough, thanks.

    Done. With the winter. With the snow. The totally ridiculous amounts of snow.



    Well, it does make for pretty pictures.






    The boys had off yesterday and today- both snow days. Took a little time out in the snow (now if I can just figure out how to make the ratio of time getting READY to go out into the snow be equal to the time SPENT in the snow, I’ll be all good.). Might be brave and hit a park today for more pictures and snow fun. Yeah, fun.




    And with the really huge number of hits on the blog yesterday (guess we have a lot of snowed in bored blog stalkers!) I figured I’d better get busy and post some pictures today for more viewing.


    This one I took at 12:45am Wednesday night/Thursday morning. And it’s still snowing…


    Florida…. please?

  • personal


    Yup, Jack’s got em. As of yesterday for the next 6 months approximately. They aren’t terribly bad, only 6 brackets all together. They are only supposed to stay on until the front teeth get straightened out cause he still has so many permanent teeth not yet in. So he got braces on his half birthday, and is hoping to get them off around his 11th birthday. I think we’ll manage.

    And I can’t wait to see what other color combinations he comes up with. I have no doubt we’ll see some orange and blue once baseball season starts…
