the sylv boys
Again, lacking in narrative today due to huge amounts of editing to do, christmas cards to make, touchups on orders to do…well, you get the picture.
Love taking pictures for this family and always have fun with their 3 boys. The oldest got hit in the mouth with a hockey puck the day before the shoot and was red, swollen and bruised but I did what I could to minimize the damage. Isn’t it just typical that it was the day before the shoot?
Great seeing you all again! Hope you enjoy your pictures!!
the costa family
Trying to hurry and get all the shoots blogged, so it’ll be brief, but with good pictures.
Really, could you just die of the hat? Either one!
We had a good time running around the waterfront park, looking for some shade to shoot in. We finally got around to the gazebo and noticed that all the holiday decorations were going up. Just added to the ‘holidayishness’ of our shoot.
Loved the green green grass with the red red dress.
Great seeing you guys as always and meeting mr J.
the sand family {with ‘video your shoot’ add on}
My second time shooting this family; I went to school (elementary and on) with mom. Our first ‘shoot’ was her middle son’s 1st Communion last spring. It was really good to see everyone again, this time in a more relaxed playful setting.
Man, those are some good looking kids!!
Mom & Dad aren’t bad themselves…
Since I’m late to posting today, I’m going to let the pictures and video do the talking for themselves.
Hope you enjoy the pictures and the video, T!
Good song on the video, make sure your sound is on.
Sando1file from Jerry Silecchia on Vimeo.
the rhod2 family
Another frequent bsquared flier family. Last time I photographed them it was for their little girl’s newborn session. Wow, she got big and fast!
They are just so stinkin adorable!! And what an amazing big brother D is! He just loves his baby sister so much!!
“MariahCareyMom” is as beautiful as ever. The whole family is just way too good looking!
Grandma and Grandpa joined in for a few shots when they weren’t helping with smile procurement behind the scenes.
Mom told me that there were virtually no pictures from the baby’s christening. I just HAD to remedy that!
So great seeing you all again. Hope you enjoy your pictures and can’t wait to photograph you all again soon!
the arle family {with video your shoot}
There are about a thousand pictures from this shoot to post, so get comfy cause this is gonna be a long one…
I’m sure you will remember this VERY fun family from past shoots (and mom & dad are in the shopping cart on the blog header above). They never dissapoint! Between the props, the laughs, and the poses…they bring it! And then I capture it. While laughing thru the whole shoot. It still amazes me that I get one non-blurry photo cause I’m always laughing with camera shake!
Where to begin with the deer? I think words just escape me. Completely speechless.
When they opened their trunk and I saw the decapitated deer, well… what exactly was I supposed to say?? Except (Janice- this one’s for you!) “Oh, deeeeeer!”
There were Christmas wreaths, lollipops, candycanes, and deer parts, all mixed in with this fun family. It was a good combination. Crazy, but good!
And as it turns out Mom chose the same song as I have on our family shoot. Funny! So make sure you have your sound on…
Arle1file from Jerry Silecchia on Vimeo.