the bozz family {mini session}
This is my very good friend Z and her son. I was SO excited she asked me to take some pictures for her this year!
She’s always fun, funny and ready for a great time. That’s why I love hanging out with her. Mr. M is no slouch himself and did such a great job for me.
Pretty fierce, no?
You can look out for Z and her identical twin sister A in a few weeks on the blog. I’ll be shooting their (sure to be fabulous) 40th bday party really soon.
the ambr kids {mini-session}
Another mini-session from Tanglewood, and more early bsquared clients.
Love these two- you might recognize them from the blog header. I still think she looks like Snow White and is an ‘old soul’ for sure.
And he is cute as could be but so shy of me and so not into pictures. We did manage to get a few with him looking and smiling all at once.
Thanks Mom & Dad for all your help with the smiles. Well, except for this one. Ha!!
the cull family {mini session}
The next bunch of posts are all mini sessions taken on Veterans Day at Tanglewood Preserve. I’ll be posting 2 mini sessions a day for a while so I can get a little caught up.
As it turns out, today is rainy and windy and all my shoots are cancelled. So while that is a big bummer for all of us, I will spend the day editing so I can catch up on the 15 shoots I still have not edited. Yes, 15! That’s a lot of work!!
Anyway, here is the lovely Cull family who was one of my very, very first bsquared clients. This is my 3rd year taking their pictures and I’m always thrilled to see them.
They are just too good looking. And as nice as they are gorgeous.
A special one for the girls room.
Can’t wait to see you guys again next year!
Thirteen Things to be Thankful for on Thanksgiving
There’s been no time lately for a ‘5 for Friday’, ‘6 for Saturday’ or ‘7 for Sunday’ post, so I figured this would be a good substitute. Hope everyone is having a happy Thanksgiving so far.
Throwing in some previously unposted pictures too.
I am Thankful for…
1. My family. All of them. Without them, everything wouldn’t mean anything. So happy we will be together for Thanksgiving.
2. John, my husband who drives me insane on a daily (hourly?) basis but is an awesome husband and daddy to our boys. And a very hard worker and provider for our family.
3. My three sons- Jack, Patrick and Timmy. They are the best boys; smart, handsome, sweet, good people with big hearts, and funny as anything. Usually unintentionally.
4. My parents and inlaws who are always there when I need them for support, babysitting, or just to chat. Or really, just for everything!
5. My friends who are always offering help and an ear to listen, and a shoulder to lean on. And lots of laughs and fun and just for being themselves. I’m so lucky to have all of you. And especially for understanding that I will be normal (well, I’m never really normal but back to ‘normal crazy’) again in January. See you all then!!
6. That I was able to build a business from nothing to THIS. That I have the BEST clients who are just a pleasure to work with. That I get to take pictures and make them into something that really means something to people. That I get to be creative and do something that I love so much everyday.
7. Nelson. That he’s been doing all my errands, cooking us delicious dinners, packing orders, and making the ENTIRE Thanksgiving dinner. Yay!
8. That we are all healthy. This should’ve been higher on the list but I don’t feel like going back to renumber everthing. This year is pretty scary with all of the flu going around (I am also thankful that I was able to get all the boys both the seasonal and H1N1 shots this year and that we have health insurance to do it with). Hopefully we will all remain that way!
And now onto the more superficial things that I’m thankful for:
9. The internet. Oh, how I love it. That would include Facebook and my blog- my two main (really only) sources of ‘advertising’. Shopping, research, games…. all of it.
10. My Kindle. The best invention. Ever. I’m thinking seriously about getting the big boys each their own for Christmas this year (well, giving them my Kindle 1 and Ken’s Kindle 1, and then getting Ken and I the Kindle 2’s). I drop about $300 on books for them every 2-3 months, so I think this would be a very sound investment especially since the kids titles on Kindle are increasing a ton. Jack will go thru a new book every 3-5 days. No, seriously.
11. My cameras and lenses. Ahhhh.
12. Sleep. It’s something I’ve been doing without much of for quite a few months. Can’t wait to get some again. Soon.
13. Disney Vacation Club and Disney World, hour long massages, Florida vacations, Sushi, Photoshop, my cell phone, email, dark sunglasses (see #12 above), blond highlights, Lost (wish it was starting sooner and that this wasn’t the last season though), GPS, good music on my ipod touch, school and super teachers for the boys, the Twilight series, food… of all kinds. I’m sure I’m missing things, but that’s all I can come up with for now with my unrested brain.
the burb family
You might recognize this little cutie from my blog header. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve taken pictures of her (…5 or 6 sessions maybe now) but we always get some great ones.
She was having a great time playing in the leaves- I think it was her favorite part of the shoot. Although the ‘fishing’ was probably a close second.
Yummy light.
Hope you enjoy your pictures. Great seeing you as always!