the nitk girls {mini session}
Please, please excuse the short blog today. I’m hanging on by a thread and have to keep editing if I’m ever going to get everyone’s pictures done in time for the holidays.
My 3rd time photographing this little lovely. And although she had bigger and better plans on her agenda this day (what they were, I don’t know. But they sure did NOT include getting her picture taken. At all.) we still managed to get a few. Mostly candid, but a few nonetheless.
Thanks D and M! Always great to see you guys!
the back kids {mini session}
If you are a blog stalker you will no doubt remember this family from their older daughters communion that I shot earlier this year.
Mom wanted a few shots for a holiday card, so we did a quick mini session at their home.
One with the very scary, intimidating, vicious dog. (I think he was actually mid-yawn in this one).
All the kids are so good and so easy to photograph. Mr. R isn’t one for the smiles- until we started talking Yankees and that kinda perked him up a little. For a minute anyway.
Thanks everyone. Hope you enjoy your pictures!
the meri family
This was a super fun family which = a super fun shoot.
We rode around in golf carts on a beautiful golf course (their club) on a fantastic morning. How cool is my job? Really.
As soon as mom and I saw eachother we knew we knew eachother from someplace. We had it within 15 minutes- the beach club.
The kids were so cute and fun and up for anything I suggested. I guess riding in golf carts, running all over the golf course, jumping, rolling, golfing, football and playing in the leaves wasn’t too much to ask of them!
When mom and dad agreed to roll down the hill too? I think I fell in love a little! Even in her fabulous white pants, mom did it and did it well!! (but I was only allowed one roll- had to get it in the first take!)
I’m going to let the rest of the post go to the pictures and the video. Yup, this family added on the ‘video your shoot’ option…so perfect for them too!
Hope you enjoy your pictures and video as much as I enjoyed taking them!
Make sure your sound is on.
Merin1file from Jerry Silecchia on Vimeo.“>
the hus family
I must’ve mentioned how much I love my returning clients, right? Just a few times??
This is my 3rd year shooting this fantastic little family from NYC. We were in Central Park last year too, but this time we moved it downtown just a bit over to the bandshell and the Mall areas.
I made it into the city, parked the car and was at our meeting spot at the park in under 35 minutes. Wish it could always be like that.
It was a little chilly that morning, but that didn’t stop people from enjoying the park and it certainly didn’t put a damper on our fun either. Or good pictures!
She’s a New York girl.
Hope you enjoy your pictures. Can’t wait to see you again next year. And a big (early) happy birthday to Miss K!
the morm boys
Twin boys…right up my alley!
They were great and sweet and fun. And there was a special teddy bear friend who was with us for the majority of the shoot, too.
I tried to keep it as even as possible. I know just how much the ‘evenness’ matters with twins.
Had a great time with your beautiful boys M. Hope you like your pictures.