the mori family
I think we rescheduled this shoot about 6 times before it even happened. Between bad weather, sicknesses, other things arising…BUT, we finally got it in.
These are our good friends (and my future daughter in law). I always love taking their pictures and this time was no exception!
Miss O was as photogenic and fun as ever. Loved her outfits.
Monkey see…
Mr. G looked awesome- the brown really suited him. And yes, his eyes are really THAT blue!
Love these two- on the left you have “lady, if you don’t get that camera away from me, I will not be responsible for my actions” and on the right you have “see…smiling. Now gimme that lollipop!)
Or black and white? (they aren’t the exact same pictures as the color versions but had to show them all cause I loved them!)
Mom was looking specifically for vertical shots of the two of them together and the whole family together. I aim to please. Get those frames ready Sharon!
Love you guys! Thanks for a fun shoot as always!
the mint family
Travelling to Prospect Park in Brooklyn is never easy, but always SO worth it. Did you know that it was designed by the same people who designed Central Park? Just a little trivia for ya.
Met this fun, happy little family after battling traffic and parking. I was so thankful that they were so easy going and understanding about my delays. I knew it would be a great shoot when I saw their outfits (which mom said were a last minute thing- which was impressive in itself).
The little one was way shy- but bribing him with M&M’s was totally his currency and having daddy dance them on my head was enough to get some real smiles pop up.
And as shy as the little one was, that’s how outgoing the big one was!
Have I mentioned how much I love shooting in Prospect Park?
Aren’t they photogenic?! Love that I got them to take some pictures on their own!!
Thank you so much for everything and for having your shoot in a park I love! Hope you enjoy your pictures!!
the mcdo family
Again, I apologize for the brief narrative on today’s post, but really- everyone just wants to see the pictures anyway, right? I’m just trying to keep up with the editing so I can get all my clients images posted asap. It’s officially crunch time!
I’ve been photographing this little guy since he was a newborn. He’s just so stinkin cute!
Mom recently went brunette from blonde and it’s quite a transition for her. I think it looks great!
It was a challenge catching this busy man and he kept running into bad light. But we managed somehow and still got some good ones!
We had the same picture last year- and it was a favorite. It even made it as the Christmas card. I didn’t mean to take it again, it just happened. But it’s still an awesome shot!
Hope you enjoy your pictures. It was great seeing all of you again.
the kell 2 family
I figured with the Yankees winning the World Series (I hate baseball, but there’s no escaping knowing that happened) this would be the perfect post for today.
Mom was stalking me like crazy and I was finally able to fit her in from the waiting list. We were both pretty happy about it. She was happy because she got her bsquared pictures, I was happy cause now she could stop stalking me via email, at soccer, sending her friends to ask me….! (hope you still stalk the blog though, K!!) All in good fun!
I mean, how could you not love to photograph these gorgeous boys??!
Love the pictures with mom. Guess it’s a boy-mom thing.
Please excuse the brief narrative on today’s post. I’m so buried with editing, I have to use my time for that as much as possible. Hope you love your pictures!
the gupt family {mini session}
I know I’ve mentioned it before, many times in fact, that I love my repeat clients! I’ve been photographing this little one since her birth and just adore her and her sweet parents.
You may even recognize them from my blog header above.
We did a mini session on a beautiful, sunny day at the park and had a great time. I could just eat up her big, gorgeous, sparkly brown eyes.
Miss K was wonderful and rocked the whole session (and her gourd too). Great seeing you guys again!