the heal family
This family came to me through (ready for this one? It’s a little convoluted so follow along…) John’s friend Jim’s wife. The dad in the pictures is the wife’s brother and his wife saw my boys on our christmas card in her sister in law’s house and called me. Got it?
Even if you didn’t follow, you have to admit they are such a good looking family.
And this little one- so gorgeous and SO not into getting her picture taken. At all. You couldn’t tell from the pictures I got, but she cried (really cried) for most of the whole shoot. She just wasn’t having it. At all. But I kept after her and we did squeak out a few. I mean she’s so gorgeous I couldn’t let the shoot go by without a few good ones.
Their son is a handsome devil and a great kid. He reluctantly played some guitar for me (so stinkin cute) and was just a charmer from beginning to end.
This was the last shot of our time together, and just delish!
Thanks for all your patience during the shoot. Hope you are happy with what we got (between the tears).
more halloween scenes
I posted a little preview of Halloween’s festivities on Saturday morning with pictures of just the boys in costume from their school parade. But here are LOTS more Halloween pix for your viewing pleasure…
Woody (he actually wanted to be Buzz. Again. But we went with Woody this year. He was still happy but wanted to know where the pull string was on the back!)
The MLB Umpire. My friend Ronni owns an embroidery company and I asked her to add MLB and #18 to the shirt. Picked up the chest protector and facemask at PlayItAgain Sports (for a whopping $22 for both- love that place), and the dress pants at Syms for $12.50. Cleats belong to the ump.
Patrick lugged that (easily 20lbs) Hebrew National HotDog carrier around for a long time (the whole parade route and most of trick or treating). A neighbor of my parents owns a CitiField concession and was so nice in letting Patrick borrow the hotdog carrier for the weekend. He also got him the shirt (to which Ronni added vendor on the back) and the pin to keep. Awesome. He got lots of compliments on the costume, even though he kept telling me he needs a chiropractor.
Here are the rest from trick or treating with friends and family, more from the parade, halloween playdates, and the scary house.
Aunt Nez and the cousins who we trick-or-treated with. Oh, and Michael Jackson made an appearance as well.
Really, the cutest penguins ever.
Some of Jack & Patrick’s teachers & principal.
Lots of Timmy’s friends.
Jack & Patrick’s BFF’s house (well, it was his house once…now they live in Michigan, but the house is still theirs according to us). Plus some of our pumpkins and decorations.
Some from the scary house. Thankfully, no murderous scary clowns like in years past. Just giant vampires. And the creepy undead. With knives and teeth.
Hope everyone had a happy, safe and candy filled Halloween.
the mona family
Loved shooting (and meeting) this great little family. They braved the cold and windy weather which was certainly not easy on the baby, but we did get some great shots.
Their little boy was cute as could be with beautiful smiles and very, very busy. Catching him was quite the challenge, but it paid off so well that I just kept after him.
His grandma came to help out with some smiles and wrangling and she was terriffic! She more than did her job and got the whole family smiling and giggling.
Love me some family lovin!
It took a while and many tries to get this shot as she would wake up every time we put her down and cry. But oh so worth it. SO worth it!
Getting one shot of the two kids together was high on the list as must haves. Got several others besides this, but just loved the interaction here.
Great meeting you all!! Hope you enjoy your pictures!
happy halloween
From our MLB Umpire (Jack):
Our CitiField HotDog Vendor (Patrick):
And Sheriff Woody from ToyStory (Timmy):
I’m out shooting this morning and then back home this afternoon for some Trick-or-Treating fun. More Halloween pictures to follow next week.
Hope you all have a happy and safe one.
the dunn family {mini session}
My third year photographing this lovely family and watching their girls grow has been such fun. Every year the shoot gets a little easier as the girls get less shy and more used to the crazy lady with the camera.
We had a shaky start with the youngest with lots of tears and shaking and running away. But in the end, she came right around.
And the oldest who was terribly shy of me in previous years knocked it out in the first few frames!
Nothing like some ring around the rosey to break the ice.
And the whole family with some beautiful foliage in the background as requested by mom.
And my favs
Great seeing you all again. Can’t wait to see what next year brings!!