• children & families

    the vere family {mini session}

    Loved photographing these freckled cutie pies!


    Backstory: Mom and I went to highschool together. And although we lost touch after highschool, we recently reconnected on FB (duh, where else!?) and she asked me to do a shoot for her for the holidays. It was so great seeing you, V! We will definitely get together after the holidays so we can really talk and catch up!

    Now sssshhhhhhh…. if you know mom,  keep the shoot a secret and don’t post it on her FB wall or anything. It’s a gift for her husband as well. I don’t know how long the secret will last, but it’s a surprise for as long as it can be.

    The kids were awesome and so filled with personality which shines thru in the pictures.


    Miss M is the artist of the family- must have been fate that we found this cool graffiti. And could it match her shirt any better?!



    Mr. M is a cool dude. He was just so chill and easy going for the whole time.



    And little Miss L was such a total pip. And looks EXACTLY like her mom. And I mean exactly.


    Great seeing you and meeting the kids. Enjoy your pictures!!


  • children & families

    the pola family


    Had a great time photographing this super fun family at Hempstead Lake. The backstory: they came to me thru a number of other bsquared clients, but as it turns out Dad knows John and they used to bartend together on occassion. Cue the its a small world music.

    Love these two shots. Especially the little hands at the bottom of the left one!


    The kids were great and super photogenic. The little one was way shy, but came around eventually.






    Mom is awesome and will be running in the NYC marathon really soon. Wishing her luck. And please remember, if you see Edward Norton running near you, please bring him to me. Thank you.



  • i'm with the band

    the turn in studio 10-09

    Last week I had the always fun opportunity to photograph The Turn in the studio, where they are starting to record their 3rd (yet to be titled) album. I’ve heard a bunch of the new songs at recent shows and they are so awesome! The new album is going to ROCK!


    This studio session was mostly about getting the drums (Chris) and the bass (Brian H) recorded.  Wow, those boys can really play!






    Brian on vocals and guitar. In the funky red isolation booth. And we noticed that his shirt is the same shirt he wore at the last recording session I photographed during The December Sessions.





    And Pat doin his thing on guitar. With the beard that comes and goes.



    The Turn is once again working with ‘General’ George Fullan to produce and engineer their album. George was anti-pictures that night due to a total lack of sleep for a few days beforehand (I think he said it was like something around 8hours of sleep in 3 days due to work commitments). But I caught him a tiny bit in one. Sorry George!


    It’s great seeing them all work together to make everything sound perfect.

    To see all of the pictures from the studio, please click HERE.

    And if you are interested in catching the band at one of their shows, here’s the latest calendar card I made for them.



  • children & families

    the owne girl

    A most fabulous shoot for a most fabulous girl (and her mom is a fabulous friend!)


    I’ve been shooting Miss K for a few years now, and I’m convinced that somehow between last year and this year, someone pulled a fast switch on me. She looks the same, but she’s TOTALLY come out of her shell. She was very shy (VERY shy) in the past, but this time it was like we were old long lost friends. We had a great time on the whole shoot and she worked it like no ones business. Love her!!



    During the shoot, I kept hearing her ask her mom if she could have the pumpkin out of the car. I was figuring it was a big pumpkin- like to sit on. You can imagine my face when this was the pumpkin.


    Loved the Christmas dress. So pretty and classic.




    Earlier in the day mom asked me to stop over and check out the outfits she had for the shoot (the christmas dress and the brown top with jeans). As I was standing in Miss K’s  huge walk in room closet, I spotted the pink tutu. And then the pink boots(which are actually fishing boots which mom didn’t want to use but I insisted and am so glad I did!). And then the polka dotted tights. And that was it. I was done.  Well, you can see why, right? And then the Fancy Nancy book? Seriously??




    The doggie was a very good sport for the shoot. Couldn’t get him to smile, though. Treats are a must next shoot.



    We even ran over to the firehouse where the firemen were so nice and let us use the truck for a few.





    Loved hanging out with you girls! Can’t wait for the next one!!

  • personal,  weddings

    7 for Sunday

    It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and it’s been quite a week.

    1. Because of all the ridiculous rain and having to reschedule tons of shoots, I’ve worked every day this week (except Saturday because…well…it rained! Again!!) I have a full- full day of shooting today, ending up in Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Should be fun, but exhausting!

    2. We’ve been at the orthodontist three times this week (twice during school) as Jack has ripped his palate expander out of his mouth with his tongue for the 3rd time. Thankfully, we were finished expanding and were just waiting to put in a palate bar to hold the expansion. But…because of his lovely habit, they had to remove the expander and give him an invisiline type retainer (that cost $150) that he will wear for 4 days (and only 4 days…for $150. Excellent.) until the palate bar arrives on Thursday. But we go back on Tuesday for spacers so he can’t wear the retainer thing after getting those in. If he rips the bar out, I’m ripping his tongue out.

    3. We’re waiting for the rest of the Halloween Costumes to come in. They had better be here soon! Patrick is going to be a CitiField vendor, Jack and MLB Umpire, and Timmy Woody from ToyStory.

    4. The big boys had a field trip to the Mineola courts this week and they both loved it. They both told the court officer (who thought the same kid came on both days-didn’t realize they were twins) that law runs in their family. Which it does and a lot of it has rubbed off on them apparently. They are so smart. Scary smart.

    5. The client orders and Christmas Cards are pouring in and going out so fast. Beth W came over and helped me pack the 18 orders I had this week. Here’s what my dining room looks like these days.



    6. We booked our first Disney Vacation Club trip for February and I can’t wait. Gotta call this week for dining, you know, in my free time.

    7. A quick sneak peek from Nancy & Jesse’s wedding I shot last weekend. Unfortunately, being in the middle of my busiest time of the year, it’ll be a bit until I can get to editing their pictures. So I thought a little sneak peek would be a nice treat to hold them over.

