out east adventures
While the first half of Columbus Day weekend consisted of a shoot and a wedding (not shooting, just as a guest), the second half was the traditional Beyrer family trip to the ‘east house’. Which has been called the ‘weist house’ and now is referred to as the ‘easter house’. Either way, it’s always fun!
The wedding was FAR up in Poukeepsie and was for John’s cousin Chris and his new bride Laura. It was a lot of fun, especially the car ride with Inez & Uncle That Guy and Joe & Gail. The cousins parade was quite the spectacle- especially Billy as Rowdy Roddy Piper in a kilt with nothing underneath and then the mooning of the bride and groom followed by the cartwheel in the middle of the dance floor. Oy. At least I got to wear my crown. There are no pictures- I couldn’t find the little camera to bring (it’s still missing) and I wasn’t bringing the big guns.
Anyway, did the whole out east adventure. First stop was the Coronet for lunch, and most importantly chocolate milkshakes.
Oh, the anticipation…
And the real (thick) thing.
Love it there- so 1950’s.
Then to the ‘duck store’, and over to the carousel for a ride and jumping. I did try to get a shot of them jumping over me but the focal lenght of the lens was too long and it didn’t work out as planned.
I took some really cute pix of the three of them in Greenport, at the east beach, in the park and by ‘my’ truck, but if the photoshoot I have in my head for our Christmas card dosen’t work out I’ll use these shots for the card. So I can’t post them yet, but I will if the other shoot works out.
Went to the park for some fun and pictures. Can’t show you those yet, just in case I need them, but here’s a nice sunset.
Then it was Elbow Room for dinner (with marinated steak…yum!)
When we finally made it to the ‘easter house’ and settled in, Timmy opened the fridge and found milk that had been in there since June. Uh….yuck? It smelled like nothing I’ve ever smelled before and was then deemed ‘the stinking milk’ by Timmy. It went outside in the middle of the back lawn til we could make it to the garbage the next day.
And later that night after the stinking milk fun, I took all the boys outside, we layed down on the front lawn and just stared up at the millions of stars. It was incredible!! And we all loved it. (the picture is way blurry because I didn’t have a trip0d out there to use, but you get the general idea of the amount of stars).
Next day, Uncle Nelson met us out and we went pumpkin picking, hay riding, corn mazing (where every once in a while, Timmy would yell out “hey, corn!” like he was continually surprised to see it in the corn maze), pie purchasing (at Briermere), Elbow rooming (for lunch), and back home again.
And that was my last weekend off until December.
the boeh family
I’ve been photographing these lovelies since the baby was a newborn. In fact, she was my first ‘baby on a bookshelf’ shot, ever. And now, they are both big girls and just as much fun to photograph as they were in the beginning- probably even more so.
They are so gorgeous. All of them.
We had some issues with the swan, but he sure looked good in the pictures. He was well behaved, just a little scary.
We had lots of fun in the park. So glad I got Daddy to do this shot!
And I’m also happy to report that this family opted for a ‘video your shoot’. So please check out their video with Jerry with stills from me, below. Make sure your sound is on. And get your tissues.
Boeh1file from Jerry Silecchia on Vimeo.“>
the arno family
The backstory: I went to high school with mom’s brother (well, and with her too but her brother and I graduated the same year). She’s an amazing baker, which I didn’t know until I did a First Communion shoot for another high school friend and saw her cake there. And of course, had to have one for myself! But more about the cake later…
Had a great shoot with this family at their home. Their kids are so cute and SO smart. Scary smart.
Miss K was a tough customer with the smiles but with Daddy’s help, we got some. The curls and bow on the back of the dress is just for mom.
They were troopers, rearranging Halloween decorations so it looked more Christmasy, bringing furniture outside, sitting on the wet grass for a picture. My usual crazy requests.
The mini Cooper is a big favorite for everyone in the family, so we had to include it in some. Love that it’s red and just went so well with everything!
And since we’re so close to Halloween, we threw on their costumes for a few shots as well.
Mom needed a new headshot for her website and I was more than happy to oblige. Love the blue chef’s coat. And here’s a shot of the cake she made me for my 40th (I know, I know….I still haven’t posted the pix from my party but I will. Eventually. Like in January when all the holiday season craziness is done). Isn’t so awesome!!??!! Loved it- it looked exactly the way I pictured it in my head. And the camera on the top?- perfect! And it was a delicious cake too! (chocolate- what else?)
You should definitely visit Emily Arnone Cakes. Her stuff is just art! I’m seriously considering having another party just so I can get another cake!
the ledw4 family
This was my fourth and final shoot for this ‘growing up squared’ family and I still can’t get over the difference in the girls since our first shoot (not to mention the addition of a 3rd girl since we started).
The oldest was terribly shy and really wanted less than nothing to do with me. But now…we’re friends. She giggles and smiles and poses.
The middle one is all about fun and laughs. My challenge with her is getting her to sit still for more than one second!
And the baby is delicious. I can’t belieive how much she’s grown since our first shoot when she was just 3 weeks old (blog stalkers might remember her from a picture in a pink knit sack on the bed). Sitting by herself and everything.
The family that plays together…
Even though our ‘growing up squared’ plan is done, I’m hoping to see you guys again in 2010!
the simi family
One of my waiting list families who (luckily for the both of us) was available to fill in a spot from a last minute cancellation a few weeks ago. When mom contacted me for a shoot, she said she knew me from Rollaround classes with Timmy from when he was way little. I didn’t know her by name, but as soon as I saw her, I remembered her and her little ones right away. Except for the littlest of her kids- he wasn’t around back then!
I was so happy I got to do their shoot, it was great and the kids are gorgeous and photogenic like crazy!
Mom and Dad aren’t so bad either!!
You’ll see lollipops throughout the pictures- which wasn’t really a planned thing. They were treats for afterwards, but when the littlest one took an unexpected/unscheduled nap on the way to the shoot and had to be woken up, well…you do what you gotta do. Lollipops are way better to photograph than tears!
My favorite face from the shoot, hands down!
Great seeing you all again (and meeting Dad and Mr. B)! I had a fantastic time photographing your lovely family!!