the jass family
Another bsquared repeat family and wow- have their twin girls ever grown!! Not only are the girls gorgeous, but they have totally out of their shells since last year’s shoot. Last year they were SO shy, and this year we were having conversations and giggles and lots of fun.
I was a little concerned going into the shoot they had only booked a mini session because it took them so long to warm up to me last year. My worries were unwarranted and we got tons of great shots.
I adored the pink and black dresses and their cute little faces.
Mom and Dad are the nicest people and I always have a good time chatting twin stuff with them.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
the guim family
Another repeat family from last year (I do love my returning clients and watching their kids grow and change so much from year to year).
We met over at one of the Garden City gazebos and had a lovely little shoot over there. We finished up just in time at the actual gazebo part as a wedding party was coming in just as we were going out.
Last year the kids really, really wanted nothing to do with me or the shoot. This year was totatlly a different story. I had smiles, poses, giggles, the whole thing. It was great!
Great seeing you again everyone! And K, good call on the location!!
the sewe family
This is my second time shooting this family- well, that’s not entirely true. Last year at our shoot, Dad and their son ended up taking a last minute trip to Florida right before our shoot, so I only got to meet mom and the baby girl. This year, everyone was there and we got in a full family shoot.
Cute, funny kids. The little boy went from pretty uninterested to asking me to take his picture. Love that.
It was mom’s birthday on the day of the shoot so they were in a bit of a rush to get ready to go out to a big family brunch. I shot as fast as I could (which was helpful cause the baby girl was done with me and my camera pretty quick!)
Great meeting the rest of you! Hope you had a nice birthday, M.
the barr family
Met this family with three handsome busy, busy boys up at Manor Park in Larchmont. It was my second shoot at this location and it was beautiful as I remembered the first time.
The family is from California originally (don’t they just LOOK like they are from Cali?) but move every three years for dad’s job. I was lucky and happy our schedules worked out. A big thank you to my friend Lois who hooked me up with this fun, fabulous bunch.
The fog was a little thick and I was apparently waiting at the wrong gazebo (who knew there were two??), but we had such a great shoot so it was all good.
The boys loved climbing on the rocks (I was honestly a little nervous, but they were fine) and exploring all over. I swear the oldest one looked like Peter Pan down on the rocks with his hands on his hips.
Mom is gorgeous. Work it!
Thank you for a fun shoot. The boys really kept me on my toes, but we got some great smiles that were all real! (a big challenge with boys sometimes).
the turn @ runamuck
A few weekends ago my most favorite of bands, The Turn, played at a festival/race up in Pomona. Of course, I was there to take lots of pictures. And sing and dance a little too. (but no one needs to see that part!)
I was so excited that it was an outdoor venue with tons of natural light (my favorite to shoot in). And boy, was I ever right! I took what I think are the best pictures of them to date (and that’s saying a lot because I have literally several thousand pictures of The Turn since starting with them about a year and a half ago). The clouds were totally threatening rain, but it somehow held out. Had a few drops on my camera during the last song- couldn’t have asked for better timing.
And speaking of timing- there was terrible traffic (not surprising) on the way up there. The Turn was supposed to go on from 1:30-2:15, and I arrived at 2pm. Figuring I would get like 5 shots in I was so annoyed but after hiking over the hill from the parking lot I was so happy to see that they hadn’t started yet. Some problems with the sound, but it worked out all okay in the end. And I got a TON of pictures. So hold on for a zillion new ones below.
The whole band, rockin it out. Love the changing leaves in the background.
Brian. Just when I think he’s amazed me with his talent, he sings something new and I’m blown away all over again.
My favorite Brian Ripps singing expression.
My favorite picture on the left. I don’t know why exactly, but it’s just SO him.
Total rock star. I mean, seriously.
I had the picture on the right in my head before I took it. Came together perfectly- love it when that happens. Plus, hopping up on the stage during a show is so much fun!!
Chris. Who can go from scary to sweet in one frame! And the broken drum sticks are just the coolest- he plays really hard.
Brian. Who after seeing the pictures told me that his bass dosen’t look this good in real life! It’s always a challenge for me to get a good picture of Brian and we can’t figure out why. But I was so happy to get a bunch this time.
And Patrick. He had it all going on that day. The sunglasses, the singing, the new beard, the guitar playing. Just wow.
During sound check (which went on for quite a while due to the aforementioned problems) Pat and I snuck off for a 5 minute mini shoot. Loved the field, the trees, the rockstar…
The whole crew. Visit them at www.myspace.com/rocktheturn for show dates and to listen to some of their music (for the very few of my blog stalkers who haven’t yet). I promise you will love them. They are so talented and just good people. Plus, when they really make it huge, you can say you knew them when…
They are going back into the studio next week to work on their 3rd yet to be named album. I’ll be there to document it all! Can’t wait as I’ve heard most of the new songs and they are so, so awesome!
(*all the pictures were taken with my 135mm L lens. I love, love that lens and really should use it more often. The colors that come out of it are to die for.)
To see all of the pictures from the show (oh yes, there are more), click HERE.