the altm family {mini session}
Such a put together family.
Not only is mom a teacher at the big boys school, but her little girl and Timmy were in the same nursery school class last year and were great friends. They still go to the same school, but different classes this year. But we always get a great big HELLO from little Miss A in the hallways.
She’s seriously the cutest littlest pip.
The funniest thing is that later in the day of their shoot, I did a shoot for one of mom’s students. I told her so, and I think it freaked her out (the student, not the teacher) a little.
Had a great time with you as always. To see all of the images from our session, please click HERE.
the dizd4 family
While I shot this family recently in the park, they were looking for a beach shoot to end the season with.
I’m finding we have limited time with this little boy, so I’ve learned to work fast around him.
Like really fast!
Mom and Dad are so good looking!
One of Mr. C’s nicknames is apparently Donald (as in Trump) because of the wild hair. The wind helped out with this one.
Great seeing you as always. Glad we had a happier session this time around!
the bill family
My second time doing a shoot for the ‘bill’ family, and my first time meeting their newest addition.
From what Mom said the baby is the happiest, easiest, smiliest baby in the world. Unfortunately, that’s not the way the shoot went. The poor little girl was teething up a storm (and drooling like there was no tommorrow) and just didn’t feel well at all. Couldn’t coax a smile out of her no matter what tricks I tried.
Ends up that mom emailed me the next day to tell me the poor baby had a 102 fever. So at least I know it wasn’t me that she didn’t like!
I was so happy to see Grandma & Grandpa participating in the shoot again. They are such fun and the kids really enjoy having them around (both the adult kids and small kids!)
The biggest girl was as energetic and pretty as I remember from last year. Hard to catch her, but when you do- it’s so worth it!!
Great seeing you again! Hope everyone is feeling better by now!
To see all of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.
the dubl family {mini-session}
Did a shoot for this family last year on a rainy day at their home. We were scheduled for yet another rainy day this year but with some swapping and rearranging, we were able to switch to a sunny day instead. They earned it!
Love the fun, spunky style of the girls. And apparently their footwear is perfectly representative of their personalities.
We had a good time, moving all around the park. Had to include some running and spinning as well!
It was great seeing you again. And meeting the newest addition to your fun family!
To see all of the images from this session, please click HERE.
the aufi & fole families {mini session}
These kids are all cousins and the moms wanted some nice holiday card worthy photos of them- individually, with their siblings, and everyone together too.
It was one of those great shoots where everything just clicked right into place and we flew thru the pictures. The kids were all so great (not to mention so photogenic) and cooperative, we were done super fast.
I think the moms were suprised on how painless the whole thing ended up being!
Thanks for a great shoot, to both the families! To view all of the images, please click HERE.