the ange family
As I walked in the door and met the very shy (NOT) children, one of the very first things the little boy told me was that ‘this is a house filled with love’. Ok, love this kid already! Now to capture the house filled with love…
So cute! All of them!! Especially together!
I’m hoping that Daddy sees how very much he is loved by his little girl as reflected in this photo.
She gave me some good ones in the beginning but was quickly all done with me and my camera. But she was so cute, I wanted to keep going. Can’t have it all! Had to grab one with her and her favorite doll named “Orange”. Apparently, Orange is a member of the family too and is often featured in photos.
Such a boy. And the converse on top of the house filled with love…really? He’s so smart on top of it all.
Loved him writing on the garage door so much, couldn’t decide if b/w or color was the way to go.
Thanks for letting me capture your house filled with love! (and for the extra a/c, even though we were outside most of the time! Still very thoughtful of you!) Hope you love the pictures.
To view all of the images from this session, please click HERE.
the dizd family
One of my original ‘growing up squared’ families that I still have a few shoots left with. Haven’t seen them since the winter and I was so surprised how much, yet how little, their adorable son has changed.
So although the little boy was totally not in a happy place on the day of our shoot, we did somehow capture some happy smiles and tons of other varied expressions. And this kid has a truckload of awesome expressions.
(smiley & oooo excited)
(rockin & neckpinchingfingersucking self soothing)
We had to work quickly and get the shoot done before he was done. A quick change of clothes (to celebrate his ‘big one’ year old birthday) and that was that.
(ok, you know that stick in the picture on the left totally looks like a cigar. even the way he’s holding it with the pinky up.)
Always great to see you all. Looking forward to our next shoot! Maybe we’ll be able to take a little more time…
To see all of the images from the shoot, please click HERE.
the schu family
I believe this was my 3rd shoot for this awesome family who I adore. Mom found us a new location to shoot at which was great and free! (everyone charges these days so it’s a rare thing to find a new pretty park where they don’t charge or kick you out!)
Gorgeous, gorgeous kids! Love those eyes!
They are getting ready to welcome a new member of their family- a new brother or sister due in October. Can’t wait to meet the new baby!!
Thanks for another great shoot, schu family! Love chasing those kids around and looking forward to chasing another one soon!
To view all of the pictures from this shoot, please click HERE.
happy 10th birthday Jack & Patrick
Can’t even begin to believe that the boys are 10 years old today. Was like yesterday that they were born 5 weeks early weighing in at 5.5lbs (Jack) and 4lbs (Patrick) and looked like undercooked chickens. It used to take me an hour to feed each boy 3/4 of an ounce of formula (they were on alimentum- don’t even get me started on that!) and they were so little I could easily hold both of them at once. Now they are ginormous, smart, funny, and handsome boys. And 10!
Two from the trip. They look tired (and in need of a haircut) because they are. Over 1800 miles in 5 days will do that to you, especially after 4 night games and not getting back to the hotel til after 10:45pm every night!
More from the trip coming soon.
Happiest of birthdays loves! Can’t wait to take you shopping at GameStop today!
the bisc family
My second time doing a shoot for this fabulous family and I think we all had a much better time this go round. Last time it was fall and rainy and just blah outside and we did most of the shoot inside the house. This time, we got to run around the beach for an hour or so with some lovely natural light and some fun places to go.
Either inside or outside, they are as photogenic as anything!
The littlest girl didn’t want so much to do with the whole photoshoot thing, but I somehow managed to snap a few of her with some smiles.
Always try to get some jumping in. Keep all the kids happy!
I loved that we found a ‘5’ lifeguard chair. Perfect.
Great seeing you again, bisc family!! To see all of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.