the kell family
I was so excited to do this shoot. Lois and I knew eachother from highschool, recently reconnected on FB, and she’s apparently been a very loyal blog stalker since. When she asked me if I would take her family’s pictures (not to mention, hooked me up with her sister and niece who’s Sweet 16 I recently shot too) I was thrilled. We’ve been chatting back and forth on facebook for months and I couldn’t wait to take the pictures.
It’s funny because Lois and I weren’t really friends back in high school, but I think we should’ve been. She’s so sweet and just NICE. So, I’m just glad we are friends now. We’ve also recently enjoyed a sushi dinner with a photography lesson. Can’t wait for the next one!
Ok, and the kids are gorgeous and so amazingly well behaved. A zillion pictures ahead, so settle in a comfortable chair for this one. We started at their beautiful home and then went over to their town’s beach.
Lois, hope you and B enjoy all the photos. I had such a great time with all of you. To see all of the images from this session, please click HERE.
the nevi christening
My very good friend Jen’s baby Brady was christened last month and we all were invited to attend.
Although I wasn’t officially on duty this special day, I couldn’t very well go to the christening without my camera! I got off a few shots at the church and then a bunch at the very fun party.
Timmy and his BFF, Jack. Big brother to Brady. And my son refuses to look at the camera anymore.
You might recognize these two. The little girl is one of a set of twins (green dresses) that I did a shoot for a few months ago, and the little boy I also did a shoot for over the holidays. Jen is a really good PR agent!!
That’s Jen’s sister Stephanie on the right in the white dress. She is Brady’s godmother and the bestest babysitter.
I love this baby. I can make him laugh like crazy (then he throws up on me, but it’s so totally worth it to hear that belly laugh).
Much love to you guys! Hope you like the few pictures I took. To see the rest, please click HERE.
ivy & steve’s wedding- part 2 (ceremony & reception)
Some reception details:
The venue (H on the Harbor in Pt. Washington) was so cool and trendy. Way Miami Beach with the neon and white couches and lounge areas. And the food was awesome- all passed little delicious things plus a sushi bar. Yum!
All before the ceremony with the excitement building.
The ceremony was so great!! They laughed and smiled their way thru the whole thing (as did all their guests). Ivy was giggling like crazy and busted out with “I just never thought we would actually get here!!”. This was Steve’s reaction:
Lots from the ceremony. The kids stood up there with their parents for the whole thing and played an important part in the vows.
Love the mom’s of the bride and the groom celebrating.
And time to party:
Hope you are enjoying your honeymoon in Italy (jealous, much?). Love you guys. Many congrats and wishes for only happiness for you all!
If you’d like to see all of the images from the wedding, please click HERE.
ivy & steve’s wedding- part 1 (getting ready)
Ivy and I have been friends since we’re 8 years old. Hebrew school, sleep away camp (yay Sequoia!), school, marraiges, kids, tons of inside jokes….everything. So I was of course beyond thrilled when she and Steve got engaged. He’s such a great guy and the two families have meshed so well. I was just so elated to see Ivy and the kids so happy!
And I was even happier that Ivy asked me to take pictures at their wedding last month. I knew it would be a bit of a challenge (but who dosen’t love a challenge) cause Ivy LOVES taking pictures but Steve? Steve does NOT love taking pictures. At all. He was good though and really was very patient with me and my camera. Thanks, Steve.
Ivy’s fabulous dress, and even more fabulous shoes. Her BFF from college came in to help her get everything ready.
The kids… (really, the girls look like they could be sisters down to the same coloring).
And the bride and groom.
The ride over to the reception was fun in the amazingly cheezyLasVegasZebraprintLasershowHummer limo. Love the reflection on the mirrored ceiling too.
Ceremony and reception (with all the pictures in an album) to come in tommorrows post.
happy 4th
Yes, I’m alive. No, I have nothing new to post really. Well, I should be posting a lot but nothing’s ready yet. Been editing like crazy and soon I will have LOTS to post. After the weekend. I hope.
Still to come: Ivy & Steve’s wedding, Garrett & Susan’s trash the dress session, The Atlantic Beach Club Opening Gala, two highschool friends shoots- one from CT the other from St. Louis, and a few shots from Timmy’s best friends little brother’s christening, and then I have two newborn shots tommorrow. So, if you just keep hanging in there, it should be worth it.
And in other news…Robin’s baby (baby Eoin who was born at 25 weeks) is doing so wonderfully. He’s now over 4lbs (born at 2lbs), almost completely off the ventilator (at the lowest setting on just positive airflow), and is now in a regular crib instead of the isolette. His grandma got to visit for the first time and hold him too! Here’s a new picture of Eoin (pronounced Owen- it’s the Irish version) I stole off their webpage.
And my good friend from college, Nate will be moving back to the US after living in Australia for the last 3 years. Can’t wait to see him, his wife Colleen and their two girls (one of which I met when she was about 2 weeks old and the other I have never met as she was born in Australia- how cool!) and take tons of pictures for them. Guess we’ll be heading down to DC in August!! So excited!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July. We’re off to the beach in a few…