6 for saturday
1. Feeling absolutely SO totally overwhelmed lately and realizing that there are not nearly enough hours in the day to get even half of what needs to get done, done. And going to that bad place where you can’t even figure out where to start as there is just so much to do. Need to breathe.
2. Realized that since I’ve been so busy that I haven’t really taken any pictures of the boys where there wasn’t an event. Just taken out the camera and started snapping away at home. So I did. We got a 15 minute break in the rain so went outside to take a few.
It’s quite a look, dontcha think?
3. About 20 minutes after taking these, Timmy took a header down the ramp at my parent’s apartment building while running at full speed and hitting a patch of sand at the bottom. He scraped his nose and lip really good and was all scabbed up for a while. But these were favorites all taken with the 135mm L lens. Yum.
4. If it keeps raining, I’m going to really seriously and totally lose my mind. And I’m not even kidding. So glad we put in a brand new inground sprinkler system (that has not turned on once since installation 3 weeks ago) and paid for the beach and country clubs for the summer. What summer, I ask you??
5. The boys made it to the playoffs (to the 3rd round) for Little Leauge this year and I was so happy that I actually made one game that I could watch! I left Timmy with my parents and got to see Jack pitch and both of them hit singles. There are tons of pictures below to make up for all the games I missed this year! Unfortunately, they lost but they played really well (and bummed I missed the game where Jack pitched 3 innings, 2 of which were no-hitters!) and they left pretty happy with what they accomplished this year. They will also be playing on a travel team this summer as well as doing a 2 week baseball camp and playing in the Summer SandLot games too. It’s all baseball, all the time here. Funny, but you know how I loathe baseball normally? I actually like watching them play!
6. All of my shoots today except for one rescheduled. I had one family reschedule cause the baby has one rainbow colored black eye, and the other family was going to be an extended family shoot where everyone was coming in from DC and Atlanta. The DC contingent made it, but due to the crappy weather (of course) the Atlanta family flew out, made it to N. Carolina where they circled til they ran out of fuel and landed right back in Atlanta instead of LaGuardia. Heading up to Conneticut to visit Robin and drop off a crib to her and then over 2 towns to a shoot for a highschool friend and her family.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend and that it dosen’t rain. Again.
garrett & susan- part 4 (the reception)
Ok, so I know I’m really supposed to only be up to part 3 , but part 3 looks very similar to part 2 as most of it is in the same location. So to mix things up a little, I’m skipping ahead to the reception. Part 3 (after the ceremony with all the bride & groom together shots, family, bridal party, etc) will be up soon. So for today, enjoy the reception!
By the looks of things, everyone was READY for the party.
The groom had a sweet card for the bride. I snuck over to catch the moment.
A beautiful sunset, a happy bride & groom checking out their reception, and a reflection of a beautiful bride in the suite.
Some family (ok, a lot of family). And friends too. I even snuck in for one.
A bunch of toasts.
Some cake and decor.
And a lot of dancing too!
And finally, some I love just cause. Garrett is the manager at Rockville Camera (where we know eachother from. So not only is there the ‘normal’ pressure of shooting a wedding, add on the fact that he’s a photographer himself and knows what a good picture looks like. Can you say panic attack? But all’s well that end’s well…) and Susan is a nurse. The shot was planned with the old camera for Garrett and her stethoscope but we couldn’t find it, so Beth W. saved the day by finding a medical book and she set up the whole shot. Thanks, Beth!
And I know the picture on the right is way underexposed, but there’s something about it the way it is…
A perfect ending to a pretty perfect night.
To view all of the reception pictures, please click HERE.
the turn @ van diemens- nyc
The Turn has been staging a takeover of 3rd Ave in Manhattan (mostly between 27th and 28th Streets). This is one of their stops on the stretch where they recently rocked it for Pat’s monthlong birthday celebration.
Everyone had a great time (I even dragged Nelson in with me and we had just enough time to grab a quick sushi dinner at a cool place right next door to the bar) and thoroughly enjoyed the show.
Still doing lots of work for the band for advertising. Here’s a recent poster we put together for an upcoming show.
More Turn coming really soon. A full band show at Artica from last night and some new advertising materials too.
Going into the city to see them play is always so fun for me! Seriously, I have the best job ever!!
To see more pictures from The Turn at Van Diemen’s, please click HERE.
a little sumpin yummy (emily arnone cakes)
A very talented local cake maker made this delicious (for all senses) cake for a recent christening.
You can view more of this cake and see the invitation it was based on HERE.
Long, convoluted story here (what else is new) that of course, involves facebook. Turns out that I went to high school and graduated with Emily’s brother, it was Emily’s cake that was at the Tros communion a few weeks back, and I found that out on FB. So Emily and I became FB friends and started talking some ‘just starting out’ business as we are in the same place starting our own businesses and working in somewhat similar venues. So now we are friends, and not just on FB. And in fact, Emily will be making my fabulous (all chocolate of course) amazing 40th birthday cake for my party in September. So there you have it. I’m gonna have my cake and eat it too!
If you are interested in seeing more of Emily Arnone Cakes (which you should), visit her site. She is crazy talented!
garrett & susan-part 2 (before & the ceremony)
The next installment of the wedding. Some from before the ceremony and the rest during.
(ok, I totally fell asleep last night at 9pm which is about 5hrs earlier than normal. I usually post at night for the next morning, so please excuse delay this morning in posting and the lack of narrative here as I’m obviously running a bit behind schedule now.)
Love these two shots. Susan, you know why, right?
Some of the everyone before the ceremony. Nerves were running high but you could never tell from the pictures.
I know the bride hated this room (not to mention that it was about 1,000 degrees in there) but the colors were too good to pass up.
Waiting for her groom…
…who was waiting for his bride.
A little decor from the reception while the sun was still up.
The ceremony: (gorgeous venue)
Daddy escorting his little girl down the aisle.
The groom waiting at the end of the aisle and his first look at his bride.
The ceremony was beautiful and moving. So glad a caught at least one little tear of joy from the bride.
The big kiss.
Husband & wife-now, lets party!!
And a big thank you to Beth W. who (as always) second shot the wedding for me. She did a great job and covered the back end wonderfully!!
To see all of the pictures from this portion of the wedding, please click HERE.