the gatt family
Before the rain took up permanent residence here in NY, I had a shoot with the gatt family down at the beach. After a day of beautiful, warm weather it suddenly turned much cooler and very windy which wasn’t the optimal shoot weather for a little boy. But he was a trooper and really stuck it out and we managed to get some great shots of him and his parents. Just couldn’t go all the way down to the water- way too cold.
So glad I caught this face. I know it’s one of mom’s favorites.
Aren’t they just a comfy, lovely little family?
Some mommy love. Love the soft colors.
Had a wonderful time meeting you all. If you’d like to see all of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.
7 for sunday
Since I never did my 5 for friday, here’s a makeup post. But, that means I have to come up with 7 things to post…pressure!
1. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there. And a special Fathers Day wish to my wonderful husband, John. I couldn’t ask for a better daddy to our boys. We had a great brunch down at the beach club with (almost) everyone. (aunt nez is home sick, and feather went down to NJ to help out her sister in law).
Since all 7 cousins were together, I also took the Beyrer grandparents Christmas card shot. But I’m not posting it so it can be a surprise at the holidays.
2. Took these at a recent beach shoot. I always get the best sunsets down there. Do we all even remember the sun??? Same picture, seconds apart, just with different processing.
3. Timmy finished up school last week. Took some pictures of his fabulous teachers and friends on his last day. He really had a great year and learned so much. His teachers just loved him to bits and I’m pretty sure he felt the same about them.
4. The big boys had their spring concert last week also which was so fun to go to. Just wish I had better seats so I could’ve seen Jack singing too. Why they insist on putting the twins on complete opposite sides of the chorus, I still don’t know. Patrick also played the sax, but was in the waaaaaay back. So much so that I could only see the top of his head. He’s such a goood boy and knows his mommy so well- he stood up at the end and smiled right at me so I could grab one shot. And then there was the traditional celebratory carvel run. With lots of ice cream all over their white dress shirts. Whatever, it was worth it!
5. My best friend from college, Robin and her husband Joe had their baby on April 28th. At 25 weeks. His name is Eoin (pronounced Owen) and he was born at just about 2lbs. He’s doing so well (it was very rough at the beginning as you can imagine, including being transferred to Yale Hospital NICU which is about an hour away from the hospital and town where he was born and in which they live. So add on an hour commute each day, each way to the stress of a micro-preemie) and he is making great progress. Robin shared all kinds of good news today: Eoin is now about 4lbs, his brain scan yesterday was all clear (there was concern about some oxygen deprivation/damage on a previous scan), and his eyesight developing better than they had hoped (eye damage is another area of concern with babies born that early because of immaturity and because of the ventilator). He was also taken off the ventilator via mouth today and put back on the nose only version. So the big man is making lots of progress. I can’t wait to visit him! Here are a few pix I stole off of their website. I can’t believe he’s such a blondie!!!
6. Jack got his palate expander in this week and he’s doing surprisingly well with it. A little garbled speech still and a lot of extra spit, but he’s a real trooper and not complaining about it at all. This week we start the expanding process, so the pain part should kick in. It’s not going to be pleasant…for any of us. But he did surprise me so far, so I guess you never know.
7. and a little bsquared business….the calendar for July is really filling up (and I’m taking August off). So if you are interested in booking a shoot, you might want to do it soon. If you’d like to start booking dates in Sept-Dec, please shoot me an email at bbeyrer1@optonline.net and we’ll get you set up.
the turn @ the webb institute/webbstock
What a great day this was! Sitting at an old beautiful mansion on the great lawn, listening to The Turn sing and play away with the sun shining down (you remember the sun, don’t you?) and taking fabulous pictures all afternoon? =happiness. My job rocks (pun intended)!
I had never heard of the Webb Institute either, but it turned out to be an awesome place. It’s a very small (something like 90 students total) 4 year college in Glen Cove, New York. It’s an old mansion that at the behest of the owner was turned into a ship building FREE university. Brian got himself a shirt with some other info on it above. So, they have “Webbstock” (ya know, instead of Woodstock) every year with a number of different bands preforming throughout the day and evening. The Turn was invited and therefore I was too.
First thing you see after pulling in thru the gates, and the only thing I could think of to say even though there was no one in the car but me was “honey, I’m home…”
The view from the inside out and the back, including the three tiered backyard overlooking the sound. Uh huh.
So, it’s a little nice there, huh? Pat and I walked around to check out the place and take some pictures while Brian restrung his guitar.
Then they played for two hours or so. Awesome, of course.
Another for my collection.
On the way to the place, I saw this old abandoned gas station/garage and after my eyes lighting up, of course I begged the boys if we could stop on the way back out for a quick shoot there. They agreed and I think they are glad they did. I am!!
garrett & susan’s wedding- part 1 (getting ready)
*this week’s installment of “5 for Friday” will be either “6 for Saturday” or “7 for Sunday”. Needed to get these up first.
Finally began to delve into the 2700+ pictures I took at the wedding and started the editing process. Figuring I’d do it in stages and post it the same way. Think there are going to be 4 parts (getting ready, before the ceremony, the ceremony, and then after the ceremony/reception). That’s the plan at the moment anyway.
So, here we go with the first part- getting ready.
The bride had her good friend G do her makeup. He did a fantastic job and she looked absolutely beautiful.
Her sister and bridesmaids were all so helpful with the dressing process.
A few details…
A beautiful, glowy (yes, Garrett- I said glowy again and it is a word if you understood what I meant- and you did!) bride.
So, the bride was on the edge of tears for a while there and her sister did everything she could to make her laugh.
But the tears really started to flow when she 1. saw herself in the mirror fully dressed and fully bridey, and 2. when she saw her dad. After these pictures, there was a rule instituted that the bride was NOT allowed to see herself in any reflective surfaces.
Some shots with mom & dad and wedding party. We made one exception to the reflection rule in dad’s glasses below.
The kids (neices and nephews) came over dressed up for some pictures and then got to go on a pool adventure with some babysitters.
Susan has the best sense of humor and catching laugh. Love the bag o snacks with accompanying goofy snack face.
And we’re off …. More pictures to come soon. To view all of the “getting ready” photos, please click HERE.
the baku communion
Another lovely young lady who’s communion I was lucky enough to document. Miss S was actually my very last communion for 2009 and I have to say it might have been my favorite communion season yet. You can see why, right?
You may have seen a few pictures of her in some of my other communion posts this year as her friends and cousin all made their communion on the same day. And although this day was not her actual communion, we got some great ‘redux’ shots for her family.
She rides horses competatively and those are some of her ribbons. Loved the light and color in her pretty pink room.
Brother and sister. Mom and Dad promised they would be in the next shoot’s pictures. I’m holding you to it, D.
And a last one with some different processing.
Hope you enjoy all the pictures. Click HERE to see all of the images from the shoot.