the gera family
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting this mom a few times over the last 2 or so years as she is really good friends with my friend Sharon. I was so happy when she called and asked to set up an appointment for pictures of her baby girl and family.
And I was even happier when I laid eyes on the beautiful, smiley, baby chunk I was getting to take tons of pictures of!
Seriously? Her rolls had rolls. Delicious.
Mom and Dad were dressed and ready for a few shots of their own too. Dad is from across the pond and I actually recognized his accent- he’s from Liverpool, just like our Coach Graeme. I’m usually really bad at stuff like that so I was pretty excited that I placed it. They couldn’t love their baby anymore than they do.
I just kept snapping away. Would’ve stayed the whole day if it wasn’t nap time. She just wouldn’t stop smiling and giving me the best shots.
This one reminds me of the easter bunny.
And one last favorite to leave you with…
You know you could just EAT. HER. UP. To see more images from this session, please click HERE.
the mark communion
This family has been waiting so patiently for their pictures and I’m happy to finally be able to post them. I hope you think it was worth the wait!
Miss K was so lovely and a total trooper for all the pictures. Especially after her party guests began to arrive and all she wanted to do was go see them. But she stuck it out so well and was a sweetheart the whole time.
There’s just something beyond her years in the way she carries herself. Like and old soul.
The grounds of the restaurant/club were so pretty and perfect for photos.
Aren’t the three girls just gorgeous? And Mom & Dad too! Really, the whole family is just way too good looking. Made my job so easy.
Godmother and grandparents.
And you might recognize her very best friend from her communion a few weeks back.
Thanks again for your patience. It was a pleasure through and through. To see the rest of the pictures from this session, please click HERE.
a tiny sneak peek (garrett & susan)
Remember how I said I was so behind? Well, this little sneak peek is from Garrett and Susan’s wedding back at the end of May that I’m not even close to done editing yet. Saw them again today for a very special shoot and I know they really wanted a few pictures to show everyone when they went back to work tommorrow.
So here you go..a few picked at random. More to come soon. Really.
The beautiful, radiant bride.
Awesome boquets. Love how none are exactly alike but all of them go so well together.
The smitten groom & happy couple. True love.
a tiny sneak peek (Ivy & Steve)
Big congrats to you both. Love you!!!!
the turn’s new/latest gigs & digs
Caught up with the band again recently. And although the lighting was awful(but the music was great), I managed a few good ones anyway.
Can you guess which song?
We’ve been working hard on some new cards for upcoming shows and here’s what we’ve come up with to date. I’m really digging the whole graphic design thing! The shows should be awesome and everyone should go.
And a poster that Brian requested for Pat’s upcoming birthday present that I put together. Both Pat and Brian (with his brother Eric) have moved into new apartments within the last few hours and weeks. Pat in NYC a few weeks ago, and Brian & Eric in LIC yesterday. We all thought the 36×24″ poster (fully framed and everything) would make a really good addition to some blank walls! Congrats on your new digs, guys! Can’t wait for the next full on photoshoot with some city skyline!
To see more images, click HERE.