5 for friday + rachel’s confirmation
1. I haven’t been to bed before 2:30am this whole week so far. That is not expected to change anytime soon. I’m not complaining…I’m just sayin.
2. It seems as if I’m getting at least one referral (on average) per shoot that I do. Which is so awesomely cool. My little “I-didn’t-mean-to-start-a-business-and-still-have-no-business-plan” venture is really taking off, even when I thought it peaked last year! Apparently not. See #1 above.
3. Timmy finished up school yesterday and the big boys have 2 more weeks to go. Since Timmy’s done there will be no more editing during the day. See #1 above again, and add on at least an hour. I do have pictures of the boys spring concert and of Timmy’s last day. Don’t think I’m getting to those til next Friday though.
4. I am so far behind in editing it’s crazy. That leads to being behind in blog posting too. I know I have several clients anxiously awaiting their pictures. I’m hurrying as much as I can (see #1 above). Really, I am. Maybe I just won’t sleep at all. Ever.
5. Looking really forward to going out with the playgroup girls for dinner tonight! Should be so fun. And filled with mongolian beef….mmmmmmmm. One night off the diet.
And finally, Rachel’s confirmation pictures. Heidi, you can stop textingemailingfacebooking me about them now! 🙂
My ‘first son’ Adam. He is now taller than me. How did that happen? Plus the fact that he is now an Ocean Life Guard- where did the time go??
Erica is a real pip (always was). And this is the reaction I got when I asked the boys to stand next to her and put their arms around her for the picture. Their first picture with another baby was with Erica when the boys were about 1 month old and Erica was 2 months old. I guess that’s probably the last one where they will not make these faces.
All the kids got along and played so nicely. Their backyard is fantastic and gorgeous, with beautiful light streaming in and sun reflecting back off the windows of the house. Niiiice! And a little hammock action is always good for some laughs.
Glad to see that Joe and Heidi annoy all of ‘their kids’ equally. This is “Rachel’s brother from another mother”. Poor kid. But I don’t have too much sympathy since Heidi chases down my boys every time she sees them (especially coming out of religion) to give them lots of kisses. Patrick resigned himself to “take it like a man” at the party since he knew there was no escape.
The confirmation girl herself. With her friends. They are soooooo 13. And when she wouldn’t listen to me I threatened her with getting JohnnyB to come out and sing to her in front of all her friends and party guests. She listened from then on.
You can see the rest of the pictures from the party HERE.
the mcga communion
Met this very nice, new to bsquared photography family for some communion pictures for their second son. The 5 kids (ok, well 4 kids and one baby and I kept saying 4 kids. The baby was so good and quiet, I kept forgetting she was there!) were so nice and polite and just good kids which are always a pleasure to work with, especially when there are so many of them and only one of me. And where did they go when it wasn’t their “turn” with me? To read a book. Awesome!
So it wasn’t actually the communion the day of the shoot, but we pretended it was. Gotta get those pictures in where you can.
The biggest brother. We discussed good books for boys who are 10 years old and up. Got some new titles we’re going to try this summer. Thanks, J.
The littlest brother who has a little mischief in him somewhere I think. Just look at that face!
This little one was just begging me to take her picture at every turn. How could I not with a sweet little face like that?
Got some great shots of the new baby too, who all her siblings are more than enamored with.
You don’t want to know what mom was doing behind me to get the kids to laugh like this. But, you do what you have to do to get a shot like this!
Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed meeting you! To see all the pictures from this session, please click HERE.
the mori family
Our very good friends (and Timmy’s glirlfriend) had their next shoot over at the Planting Fields Arboretum a few weeks back and we had a great time. However, our great time was slightly diminished by the fact that the Planting Fields has chosen to double their photoshoot permit prices and are now charging $100 to shoot there! Totally ridiculous. But yet, so pretty.
The grounds are really spectacular, but a $100 fee’s worth? I dunno. What do you think?
We ran all over the place until the kids had absolutely had it, pushed it a little more and then packed it in. Got a few of these at the end. Dosen’t she look like a little garden fairy?
Usually I get more photos of their little girl, but this time Mr. G was hoggin the camera pretty good. He’s at that walking stage and quite challenging to get, but when you do get one, it’s awesome.
Love, love the face in the picture on the right!
Mom’s gorgeous. I always said she looks like Evan Rachel Wood (well, before the actress went all goth). And they all have those electric blue eyes. Awesome!
Can’t you just hear him saying “Get OFF me!!”. He’s only one and talking just a little but you know he’d say it if he could!
Then right back to being a happy family!
To see all of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.
the elia family
This family received a bsquared gift certificate from their friends (and my friend Miss Judy the director) at Music Together where mom is a teacher. The gift certificate was in celebration of their newest addition. And although we scheduled a newborn shoot to begin with, mom decided she’d rather hold off until the baby was a bit bigger and we could all go outside and enjoy the nice weather.
We did some shots both at home and at a local park (you may recognize Stepping Stone Park from the good family’s shoot posted last week). Great, great location and I love shooting there. But you can only get in if you are a resident. Bummer for me.
All the kids are brimming with personality and fun.
Dad tried to cheat his way out of the slide picture, but I busted him and made him go along with the program.
It was so great meeting you, Elia family. Hope to see you again soon. To see all of the images from this session, please click HERE.
the rhod family
I met this family while shooting a surprise party back in the beginning of the year. We booked a maternity session but had to reschedule no less than three times, once because of a last minute invite for them, and twice because of bad weather. I was so happy when our shoot was finally a ‘go’- and before the new baby arrived!
Not only is their son super deliciously cute (love the wild hair) but a total sweetheart. Plus, the shoes.
Aren’t they so cute!!?? And I loved the dog too!
And isn’t mom beautiful and glowy? (and Mariah Careyish from back in the day when she was normal)
I’m so glad we were finally able to get the shoot in and I really hope you like the pictures, rhod family. To view all of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.