• personal


    A few taken the other day, just messing around on the front porch. Trying to put some of my newfound knowledge from my session with Michael Norwood into action. Think it’s working out pretty well!!



    Lots of hugs to these two and especially to their mommy. They’ve had one sickness after another the past few weeks (nothing major, just all annoying like pink eye, ear infections, stomach viruses, etc.). Sending you a virtual drink Sharon! Maybe the pix will cheer you a little.

    Heading into Manhattan to B&H photo this morning for a little shopping expedition. Looking to buy some new glass. Will let you know what I get. Woohoo!!!

  • children & families,  occassions & parties

    the schu communion

    Another rain out communion day, but nothing could dim the lights shining from this little girl. She is stunning. Seriously.



    Her little brother and baby sister are also so good looking. You can see where they get it all from.




    The family celebrated with a BIG party at Stonebridge Country Club. There were a huge number of guests with a huge amount of love and well wishes for Miss I.






    Grandparents were very happy and proud of their little girl. And the dances with Daddy and Grandpa- not a dry eye in the house.




    A few more of the gorgeous star of the day. And only during the editing process, did I figure out who she looks like celebrity wise. While Cinderella was a contender, I finally settled on Rachel McAdams in the Notebook. Something in the eyes/smile.



    Thanks for going out into the rain and chill with me. A, hope you think I made her look angelic like you requested. To see all of the images from the communion, please click HERE.

  • children & families,  occassions & parties

    the bhar communion

    Not a lot of boy communicants so far this season, but here’s one cutie who is all boy and was pretty happy (and a little nervous) to be making his communion last weekend.


    The weather wasn’t great…in fact it was pretty bad and only got worse throughout the day. We met up at the church right before his communion mass for some shots and hid under the canopy of some pretty pink flower trees to try to stay dry while we did our thing. It worked pretty well for the most part.




    The pictures are pretty deceiving. This is what it was actually like.


    The bhar family are members at the same country club that we are and had their party there. I came back to the party for a few quick additional shots of some extended family who couldn’t make it before the church and some more of the family as well.



    What’s a party without a really good cake!


    Hope you had a wonderful day, Mr. T and family. Thanks for braving the rain with me!!


    To view all of the photos from this session, please click HERE.

  • personal

    mothers day festivities

    After working and running around like a crazy person on Saturday (shooting 3 communions…coming soon) I had a great, relaxing, nice day yesterday for Mothers Day.

    Actually, it all started on Friday in Patrick’s class. His teacher puts on a Mothers Day Tea every year and it just gets better and better. (Patrick had her for Kindergarten too). Each child made their mother some notecards as a gift, and presented the moms with an autobiography and a little speech. Not a dry eye in the house. Not one.


    Sunday, John let me sleep in for a bit and then we ALL headed over to Hempstead for brunch. Delicious as always. And the required family pictures as well…









    Then home for presents, cards, and flowers. I got my pink bike!!! The boys and I went for a ride around the neighborhood (Timmy is now riding Patrick’s old bike with training wheels and doing a GREAT job). Then just Jack and I went for a looooooong ride over to and around Hempstead Lake State Park. Pizza and sushi for dinner. It was a great day.

    So very thankful for the reasons I am a mommy.

    Jack (who gives me a little massage every time he walks by my chair)


    Patrick (who is always picking pretty flowers for me)


    Timmy (who says ‘just you & me mommy’ with big smiles and hugs


    Hope all the mommies out there had a great mothers day too!


  • bsquared business,  personal & corporate branding {headshots}

    five for friday & some headshots

    Hope everyone is enjoying the first sunny day in what seems like a zillion years (at least here in NY).

    1. Went to Mother’s Day Tea in Patrick’s class today. What an event!!! His teacher does this every year (he had the same teacher in Kindergarten and she did it then too).  The kids all worked SO hard on their auto-biographies and their presentations to their mom’s in front of the whole class and the song they all sang. There was not a dry eye in the house- including me!! Why I bothered to put on makeup today is beyond me. Of course there were pictures… will show you next week.

    2. I had a photography workshop yesterday evening with the fabulous Michael Norwood  from CA. It was fate, I think, that it actually worked out. He happened to be in NY for a few days for work, and I happened to inquire about the workshop at the same time. We were able to work it out for him to come here to my house. He was incredible, answering every single question I had and some I didn’t even know to ask.  I had more than a few lightbulb moments, especially on the issues that cause me the most problems when shooting. He explained things so well and in such easy to understand terms. Michael was so generous with his time and knowledge and I will forever be grateful. I’m SO excited!! I’m going to be taking the photography to a whole new level I think. And there was lots of help on post processing too with waaaay more generosity there too. Really, awesome!!!!!!

    (Michael, if you are reading this, thank you dosen’t cover it. Thanks for dinner too- hope you liked the sushi! Hope to see you in Cali eventually!) I do have to mention my favorite part of the evening – calling my friend Beth and telling her “THE Michael Norwood is in my house, on my computer and singing I’m the Map from Dora”! What can I say? I’m a little excited with photography celebrities!

    3. Heather had a ‘playdate’ with Timmy while I worked with Michael. Timmy is enamored and can’t wait to play again. (for anyone wondering, Heather is also ‘with the band’- you’ve seen her in many of my pictures and she’s the one who took some from the bar at the Madison Hall Turn show). Thanks Heather!!!

    4. The stomach virus from earlier this week although awful, was a big help in jump starting an extremely overdo and needed diet. I actually ate a salad for lunch today and liked it. That just dosen’t happen- I don’t do salad. I’m reminded of “The Devil Wears Prada” being one stomach flu away from my goal weight. However, in my case it would probably be more like 6 or 7 stomach flus away…

    5. Four communions to shoot tommorrow. Please everyone send prayers for good non raining weather.

    Here are some headshots I did for my friend Vince who is starting his real estate career. He’s based out of Caldwell Banker in Babylon, but will be covering all of the south shore of Long Island. If you are looking to buy or sell and want someone who will work hard for you, Vince’s number is 631.274.1949. I used to work with him about 13 years ago at Jimlar (the shoe company) and we recently reconnected on FB. That was good timing!!


    Hope you all have a great weekend and a Happy Mothers Day!!