out enjoying
the fantastic weather today…. real posts coming back tommorrow night.
(from Central Park last week)
Enjoy your weekend too!
the roma family
Hardly even know where to start, cause there’s just so much I want to say about this fantastic, incredible family.
So, we first met when the big boys started Kindergarten. The middle daughter, C is a number of years older than the boys and took them under her wing at school. They loved her (and so did I) and she was so great with them. C and I started talking and we found out that we are both sleep away campers and I went to a neighboring camp to hers. Then we found out that she and the boys share the same birthday. And THEN we found out that her mom’s cousin was in my bunk at camp!!!! (waving: Hi Leslie! And by the way, Leslie was our bunk’s jacks champion. She rocked those fancies.) So since then C has moved up to Middle School and we don’t see her as often, but we are always happy to see her when she’s up at school picking up her little sister. Oh, and she’s an incredible soccer player on top of everything else.
Mom is such a great person. And I’m not saying that only because she sends me messages on FB all the time about how much she loves the blog! She kept saying that she couldn’t wait to book a shoot once she had an occassion. Well, the occassion arrived like the next day after she wrote that message for the 2nd or 3rd time. Mom is running for a public office in our town and needs some headshots for publicity stuff as well as family shots for her campaign. So we booked a last minute shoot between her kids games and knocked it right out.
This family is just happy to be together and it shows in every picture. They are always laughing and teasing and just having FUN! There are some ‘standard, posey’ family shots as well, but my favorites are the fun, laughing ones.
Their oldest daughter is going to an Ivy League college in the fall (smart and gorgeous). And the littlest daughter is a dancer of epic proportions! I’m not even kidding- her mom posted a video on YouTube of her recital and all I could say after watching it was– man, that girl can DANCE.
And not to leave Dad out…what a fun and funny guy! And you can tell, a great daddy!! Dosen’t he have such a nice face?? Like the kind of person you feel at home with immediately?
So that was a bit long winded, I know. But I told you I had a lot to say!!
To see all of the pictures from the session, please click HERE.
The Turn’s Big Show @ Madison Hall
What to say about the big show?
Awesomeness. That about sums the whole thing up!
Brian and Pat rocked it hard the whole night, played their hearts out and kept everyone more than entertained. With help from Chris on drums and Brian on bass, they were unstoppable.
They sounded great (and looked great too). And I think when the time comes that they are playing bigger venues with bigger crowds, they will be more than ready. They were so at ease up there- so professional!
I like to think that they are singing to me (not to my camera for a good picture, but actually to ME). So, I’m just going to go with that. The Turn sings to me. Cause they love me. I like my delusional world- don’t mess with it.
Some of the other biggest Turn fans/friends. And a big thank you to Heather who took one of my cameras, stood up on the bar and shot a few from a different angle (listen, I’m turning 40 this year. My days of standing on a bar have long since passed.)
Make no mistake… Pat’s lookin good for the ladies! Oh, and how they loved him.
Pat’s family.
Some other fav’s of Brian.
“General” George Fullan- the Turn’s producer. He’s awesome!
Of course, no singing shoot of The Turn would be complete without my shot of Brian screaming during Sex on Fire (and as a side note, that is Timmy’s favorite song. Vastly innapropriate but too funny. He does have good taste in music for a 4 year old. And Christiana is his favorite Turn song.) It’s very difficult dancing while taking pictures. Just glad they came out!
Being the “Turn Mommy”, I just want to say again how really proud I am of them. Great people, great musicians. Can’t wait for the next show!!
To view all of the images from the night, please click HERE.
the wrig family
Meet the wrig family…
Mom found me thru a neighbor/friend who was a past bsquared client. She has been a loyal blog stalker since! (you know I love that!). We actually got to meet in person previous to our shoot as Mom was looking for some photography lessons. We hit it off immediately and it made me look forward to our shoot even more.
Then I met their gorgeous little girl. She was just perfection and a joy to photograph. Mom said she was concerned as little Miss A said “NO PICTURES” before I got there…but I think we won eachother over within the first few minutes and it was all good from there on out.
Dad has this great old car in the garage that he asked if we could shoot some with. Uhhhh…yeah! You know I was all over that! We had some nice “old car” chat as we discussed the old pick up truck I want so badly.
Isn’t she perfect? Seriously.
Some daddy love. He’s utterly devoted to his sweet girl.
A few outfit changes, including some traditional wear from her birth country. It was work to get those pigtails in, but sooo worth it!
Some Mamalove. Had to make sure to get some extra shots of Mom since like me, she is always behind the camera.
Gotta have some feet. And a little rockin out with the Barbie guitar of course.
It was a pleasure as I knew it would be. Hope you enjoy the pictures. See you for our next photo lesson soon!!
To view all of the images from this shoot, please click HERE.
mommy? mommy? mommy? mommy?
One of THOSE days…you mommies know exactly what I mean. Someone needs something every. single. minute. of the day and then they don’t listen and you get a lot of that blank stare with the mouth agape thing going on. And they all started back at school today so this shouldn’t really be an issue, but it sure is.
I asked if the world tour for the band starts…like um–NOW?! Cause I woulda hopped my fat ass on the tour bus in less time than you can say…Mommy?
In other (good) news, my biopsy results came back and I do NOT have skin cancer. Everything was fine and nothing. Fewf- as the boys would say. But I have to keep this stupid bandaid on for another 2 days. And it’s not even a fun bandaid like Hello Kitty or something. Need some bandaid couture.
Working on editing the Turn show pictures still, and then two client shoots next. So stay tuned for all of those.
Here are a few more from last weeks adventure to Central Park. I have a ton, so they will be appearing on the blog over a few days. Need to see some spring shots as today it’s monsooning and about 40 degrees. I’ve reverted to wearing my coat around the house again. Where the hell is spring and why can it not be here for more than 2 days at a time!!!????
Saw this bride & groom posing for portraits and had to grab a shot myself.
Ok, so the Chrysler Building is not in Central Park. But it’s my most favorite in NYC.