mission complete
So yesterday’s April Fools Day switch was a success! After much discussion the night before about the order of things in the classroom, where to hang your stuff, where to sit…they did it! They totally tricked their teachers.
They were doing the morning work when Patrick (posing as Jack) raised his hand to say he was missing a page. The teacher asked him if he was getting a cold cause his voice sounded funny! The teachers both eventually figured it out and were very surprised. In fact, Patrick’s teacher didn’t even realize it until Jack’s teacher came in and told her! The teachers both decided to keep the “wrong” kid in their class for the whole day. Too funny!!
I do have to mention that even I had a few moments there that I had to really look and see who I was talking too. It’s very confusing when they aren’t wearing their usual clothes/colors.
The boys both had a great time being eachother for the day and are planning on doing it again next April Fools in 5th grade. Sometimes, it’s good to be twins.
And since a post is blah with no picture (and since the boys are back to avoiding the camera since the fun is over), here’s a few of Timmy on a pj day.
loss & laughs
The two don’t really go together, I know. But when there is a lot of the first (and there has been this week), a lot of the second seems to really help.
Found out yesterday that a friend of mine from high school died, leaving a girlfriend and a little girl, plus the rest of his family and friends. His name was John and he was 38 years old. A total shame.
We were close back in the day (we even dated for a few months before I left for college). We only reconnected within the last few months on facebook but had been ‘talking’ on there just last week. And now he’s gone.
The only comfort I’m finding in this very f’ed up situation is that I know he and our friend Justin have found eachother again. Justin was our very good friend and committed suicide back in 1987 and John really helped hold everyone together in the aftermath.
There is a facebook page “friends of John Crapo” that you can check out if you are so inclined.
He was a really good guy. I will miss him. And this is how I will remember him. (and whenever I hear any songs from the movie “Lost Boys” I will always remember John. That was so our movie!)
Going clockwise: 1. My favorite picture of John in my room, 2. wearing my sharkskin jacket (it looked better on him anyway), 3. yes, that’s me with all my big 80’s hair. a little smooch, 4. John on my rx-7. He and Justin used to steal my keys and move my car to a different parking spot during school, 5. John and Justin at the commons, 6. John, Chris Blasi, Karen Cohen, and Dayna Klein hanging at my house, 7. my bed, 8. awesome black hat.
John (my John) also lost a friend this week. Matt Murray from the fire department died. Matt was a fantastic man, loved by everyone. He was always so nice and genuine and gave 69 years to the RVC FD. He was almost 90 years old and was active and busy until the end. He too will be sorely missed.
And if that’s not enough, Timmy’s preschool teacher Miss Donna lost her mom this week. Sending thoughts of love and support to her family as well.
That’s really too much already.
Today is April Fools Day and even though I’m not feeling particularly foolish due in great measure to all of the above bad news, you gotta have some laughs too. Get the balance right.
So, Jack and Patrick decided that they wanted to switch for the day and be…well, eachother! They are dressed as eachother (down to the sneakers), took eachothers backpacks and lunchboxes and are going into the wrong classrooms. The principal of their school gave her okay. The teachers don’t know though. I can’t wait to hear for how long they were able to pull it off. They did it last year too and really were so excited to try it again this year.
Timmy kept laughing and laughing this morning…and saying “Jack is Patrick!! Patrick is Jack!” And what that kid laughs, it’s impossible not to. Good. Cause I needed it.
The Turn: The December Sessions
As you probably already know, The Turn will be putting on a big show on April 18th at Madison Hall in Rockville Centre. The show is in part to promote their new CD, The December Sessions. The CD is awesome (and you can listen to it here: http://www.myspace.com/rocktheturn.
The guys enlisted me to help design the CD artwork (that was fun!). Brian took the picture on the front, my picture is on the back. We worked hard putting it together with lots of ‘meetings’ here at my computer. I can’t wait to see the finished product!
The Turn rehearsed last night for the big show, and I was asked to tag along for some pictures. And I got a little preview of what the big show will be like- it’s gonna be great!!! Then, we braved the whipping wind and cold (barely. I thought it was spring!) up on an NYC rooftop for some pictures too.
Look for a post soon with the new pictures.
If you haven’t yet, get your tickets to the big show (I promise you won’t be dissapointed). You can get them by calling Brian at 516.458.7299. See you there!!
first visit to citi field (for all the boys)
While I was at Gail’s baby shower yesterday (where I didn’t take one single picture and the camera stayed home, but was assigned the job of ‘scribe’ by my sister in law Inez, which is so right up my alley. You know me and my lists!) all the boys (John, Jack, Patrick, Timmy, Uncle That Guy, Brendan, Sean & Grandpa Jack) went to a pre-game game at Citi Field. They were doing a run thru to make sure everything was working correctly in the park before the Mets start playing. Honestly, I don’t think many people went to see the game but to check out Citi Field.
John took the point n shoot and between him and the boys, got some good shots of the new park.
The excitement is building…
half-weekend update
Halfway thru the weekend and so much already done. Not including the never ending cycle of laundry. I loathe the laundry. Seriously.
Friday night went to the boys school Parents Night Out and had some fun talking to a few friends. Didn’t stay late, but Timmy was so happy cause Andie came to watch him & his brothers. Being at the bar with Tommy & Denice seemed like old times back in the Sharks bartending days. Funny.
Yesterday, we took all the boys to see Monsters vs. Aliens (cute) and then the big boys had their very first baseball practice for the season. They look pretty professional this year with good uniforms. And could the colors be anymore perfect for them?
Went to the ‘cruncy club’ for Family Fun Night last night with Olivia and her family, and John’s partner Kevin and his family. So everyone had someone (or two or more someones) their age to play with. Well, except for Gavin who kept all the adults entertained with his utter cuteness or chasing after him crawling across the dining room floor. It was a lot of fun with a movie and bowling and pingpong and face painting and ice cream and some wine (that part was for the grown ups). We didn’t get home until after 10pm and were the last ones to leave.
Today is CitiField for all the boys to see the very first game being played there (St.John’s vs. Georgetown). If the rain holds out enough, that is. I’m off to my sister in law Gail’s baby shower this afternoon with my mom (it’s not a surprise, so it’s okay to post beforehand, don’t worry!) at my in-laws house. Gail’s sister is a photographer so I think I’m even leaving the camera at home. How nice.
Back to the never ending laundry now. Did I mention that I loathe the laundry?