*new baby alert*
My good friend Jen and her husband Brian welcomed a new baby boy yesterday morning at 4:30am (oy!)!
Brady James. 8 lbs, 13 oz. (oy oy!) and 21″ long.
Jen and Brady are doing well and will be in the hospital for another day. She said that the delivery was really rough (the hardest out of her 3).
I absolutely cannot wait to photograph the baby chunk! Especially with all the cool new newborn props I’ve gotten in over the last 2 weeks! This baby and I are going to be well aquainted.
Jen is also Mommy to “baby Michael” (the kid is 2 years old and is still referred to as baby Michael by all my boys, but now I think he’ll finally have to graduate) and Timmy’s best friend in the whole wide world, Jack. Timmy’s pretty excited about the new baby. We can’t wait til he gets home so we can visit.
And because some kind of superhero is always around these two…
No, not from the weekend…I took it easy. But my computer guy informed me that he was able to save about 95% of what was on the external hard drive! Woohoo! So I should have that back in my hands shortly and will be able to upload all of those pictures to smug mug for extra saftey. What a relief!
Yesterday’s parade and St. Baldricks was lots of fun…pictures coming this week. Sorry I missed you, Uncle Jerry! Had to run to St. Baldricks for pictures.
Friday night I went out to dinner with my friend Gina who I used to work with at Jimlar a thousand lifetimes ago. We email and talk often, but even though we live less than an hour apart, haven’t seen eachother in 4+ years. (That was at the Prince concert where I was pregnant with Timmy and had to sit on the end of the row cause I was still getting sick!). So we had a great dinner and spent 4 hours catching up on 4 years!
Finished another book on the Kindle and started another last night (UR-Stephen King’s Kindle only book…about a pink Kindle. I might be freaking out shortly.)
A shoot today for a one year old boy. Should be fun!
And because a post is worthless without pictures (the ones above have already been posted here on the bsquared blog) here are a few new ones from NYC a few weekends back…
The Turn at bbq inc.
Went out with some friends for dinner last Friday night and then to see the band. Couldn’t help but take some shots of The Turn.
Want to take a second to say how proud I am of Brian and Pat- how far they have come over the last year since we first met, what good people they are, and how ridiculously talented they are. Their new CD comes out in a few weeks (we are working hard on the cover art) and it is SOOOOOO good. I can’t wait for everyone to hear it!
Being their groupie photographer is so much fun. I can’t wait to photograph them playing the Garden! Someday soon…
In the meantime, they are playing The Big Show at Madison Hall in Rockville Centre on Saturday, April 18th where they are debuting their new CD and hoping to play to a packed house. So if you are local, please come down and show your support and listen to some fantastic music. For tickets, contact Brian at 458.7299. Or you can leave me a comment or shoot me an email and I will get you tickets. Seriously, you have to come (even if you’ve come with me to other Turn shows). You’ll love them.
Ogy (Brian’s brother Eric) will be shaving his head for St. Baldricks (benefiting children with cancer) on Saturday and I will be there to catch it. Look for pictures here soon.
Brian’s dad LOVES listening to them play! Can’t you tell?!
I just love Pat singing. He’s getting better and better. He rocked Lovesong by the Cure here…
My favorite is the screaming shot during “Sex on Fire”.
If you’d like to listen to some Turn, please visit them HERE. Hope to see you at the show!!
the led family 3.0
As you saw from the sneak preview the other day(and shown again above), this great family just welcomed a new baby, their third girl! I love working with them- mom is the nicest and has the best outlook on life. And the girls have come SO far with me since we started taking their pictures over a year ago. I think they might actually like me at this point, and I couldn’t ask for more than that. Genuine smiles and happy giggles.
Grandma and Grandpa were in from out of town to visit and help with the new baby, and told me how their home out west is covered in pictures of the girls that I took. Needless to say, I liked them right away! And now they will get a few pictures to add to their collection with them actually in it!
Didya notice all the frames in the background? All pictures I took. There’s nothing that is more satisfying (other than repeat customers and referrals!) than walking into a clients home and seeing your work prominently displayed. Hopefully, there will be some of this shoot’s included soon too!
The baby was fast asleep when I got there and got started with pictures which was good and bad. Good because she was happy and I could work quickly with the bigger girls before it was lunchtime and naptime for them. Bad because then she woke up and all the pictures I had in my head for the perfect squished up sleeping baby shots were not going to happen. But, we rocked it nonetheless with some awesome eyecontact from this three week old sweet baby girl. So the bad– actually not bad at all.
I asked my mom to make me some new knit props for newborns that I have seen other photographers use. She’s an awesome knitter (seriously, the woman can KNIT) and whipped up 4 of these buntings/peapods for me in different colors. Thanks, Mommy Dearest!! It worked out great.
The day after the shoot was her Christening, so we got some shots of the beautiful handmade family heirloom gown.
Hope you like the pictures K and family. Great seeing you all again and meeting little miss C. She’s delish. For a viewing of the whole gallery of images from our shoot, click HERE.
lost and found
It was coming for a while, but it’s official- my external hard drive bit the dust yesterday. Fortunately, I was able to upload all of my 2008 and 2009 client pictures to the online backup service I am now using (smugmug) before the premature demise. Unfortunately, I lost all of my personal 2007 family photos. Maybe. I am giving my IT guy the drive tommorrow with the hopes he can rescue some of the family pix off of there. But, on the bright side 2007 was still during the time that I was printing everything so even though the pix were lost digitally, I still have everything printed. So that’s something.
Bought a brand new external hard drive yesterday and already backed up everything on my computer. But what a pain in the butt.
And to top off the fabulousness of losing a few thousand pictures, Timmy started with a 101.6° fever yesterday afternoon. We are off to the doctor this morning. No other symptoms, just a fever. But after the pneumonia debacle (where he had a fever, a tiny little cold with a barely there cough, but had pneumonia nonetheless and I didn’t know it) we can’t be too careful.
Fun times.
One bit of good news, though. The big boys just finished Math Olympiads for the year and came in 2nd (Patrick) and 3rd (Jack) places overall out of over 25 4th and 5th graders. They are so smart and thank god they are good at math, cause already this year I’m getting lost.
So the pictures are lost, but here is the found. Someone on the route to school was throwing away a bunch of old furniture, so I garbage picked took a great old little chair (I have big plans for it, too as a photography prop) off of the curb. Well, Jack freaked out, telling me I was stealing and committing a “federal offense” and proceeded to grab the chair out of my hands to put it back on the curb! I went back and took it anyway. Then we walked by our neighbors with the chair in the wagon and the little girl asked what the chair was for, with Jack responding (with his head hanging low) “my mom stole it”. I swear, that kid will throw you under the bus faster than you can say “garbage picking”. But her reply? “That’s okay, my mom stole a dresser.”