• personal,  travel

    NYC- dancing (and embarrassment) in the streets

    After we finished up our carriage ride thru Central Park, we saw these street dancers putting on a show out front of the park. The boys were all pretty whiney and done in by this point, but I dragged them over to watch anyway. (Aren’t I the meanest?)


    The guys were very talented and did some awesome tricks and dancing. Not to mention that they were pretty funny as well- telling everyone to come closer to the edge and not to worry- that they wouldn’t hurt them- they were just black.  So they grabbed Patrick out of the crowd (he was less than thrilled- but I was really excited) and stood him in a row with 5 of the dancers with one getting ready to jump over all of them. After some fakeout false starts, the guy FLIPPED over them (as they said “over 5 black guys and 1 white kid”). So glad I caught it.



    Poor Patrick. But in the end he said it was cool. Grudgingly.


    Tommorrow, be on the lookout for the RVC Education Foundation Dancing with the Teachers Gala that I shot last weekend. I still don’t think I’m all the way recovered!

  • personal,  travel

    NYC- carriage ride and Central Park

    More from Saturday’s trip in. So after the Gazillion Bubble Show (see post below) and lunch at the Cosmic Diner, and a walk over to FAO Schwarz (see other post below), we walked over to Central Park to have a carriage ride. Yes, I know it’s a rip off. But it’s fun and is very New York City and you have to do it at least once in your life. Even if you live here.  And, most importantly, the boys really liked it!





    You see all kinds of interesting sights in the city.


    And some handsome ones too.



    Tommorrow, my favorite part of the day…Patrick and the street dancers. Admit it, you want to see those pictures too!!

  • personal,  travel

    NYC day (fao schwarz)

    Second stop on the city tour was a visit to FAO. The big boys had been there once before when they were little, but I don’t think they remembered. I told them all that it was a “looking only” trip, no buying involved. And they actually went along with it.

    Good thing too, cause I couldn’t have afforded anything in there anyway. Like the $27,000.00 Lego Batman.



    Love the Lego Harry Potter characters.


    And the Big Piano- always fun!



    Tommorrow…more of the NYC trip. Stay tuned.

  • personal,  travel

    the gazillion bubble show

    On Saturday I decided to take all the boys into the city for a fun day of playing tourist. After seeing the commercial for the bubble show on TV a gazillion times, I bought some tickets for us to go see it. We combined it all into one day.


    I was so brave…not only did I drive into NYC (with no accidental side trips to NJ), I took all 3 boys in by MYSELF. John wasn’t feeling up to it (and I don’t think he was into a gazillion bubbles, nor any other number of bubbles to be honest) and had to work. Well, I did it and it was all good. I can definitely do that again.

    The show was really cute and the boys (and I) really enjoyed it. The bubble guy had some crazy background like Vietnamese, Yugoslavian married an Italian girl and lives in Switzerland. Guess you would have to live in neutral territory with that many cultures involved. The things he did with the bubbles were all so cool. And yes, there really were a gazillion of them.  At least.






    Pictures from the rest of the day’s adventures coming up this week.

    After the whole day in the city (we left at 9:30am and didn’t get home til after 5pm) I shot the Dancing with the Teachers /RVC Education Foundation Gala til 11:30 that night. And somehow I even made it out of my pj’s today. Eventually.

  • children & families

    the walk family

    This family was gifted with a bsquared session and they decided to call it in just in time for their cutie pie daughter’s first birthday. They live just a few blocks from me but we had never met before. Glad we did now.


    They are all so nice and accommodating- even the dog was nice! I do have to say that if we ever get a dog, this breed is high on the list. Such personality and a big love too.


    Can you even stand the baby blues on her? You can just tell how very much she is loved.




    They have a great sunporch in the front of the house with tons of light streaming in. Unfortunately it was freezing the day of the shoot so we could only stay out there for a little while. But I did get some good ones (and froze my tush on the slate floor) before we headed back inside.


    So nice meeting you Walk family! Hope to see you around the neighborhood. Oh, and see- no coverup needed on the scratch!




     To view all the images from this session, please click HERE.