need your help
Hi everyone. Listen, all you secret blog stalkers, I need your help. Can you please take a look at the pictures in the last few posts? They are the same pictures you've already seen, but I feel like the quality of the photos has suddenly changed. They are looking very pixelated to me, but it could just be my new huge monitor.
So, if you would be so kind to take a look and let me know what you think. Do the photos look different to you than how they normally look? Do you see any difference at all? Please leave me a comment below or email me at bbeyrer1@optonline.net, I would really appreciate your input.
More pictures coming soon (pixely or not). In the meantime, I'll leave you with an old one from the christmas card shoot:
welcome home
My computer is home- Yippeeeee! I am back to the land of the living.
And it has a brand new HUGE monitor. It's pretty and so nice to edit on so far. Here it is with the old monitor, so you get an idea of scale. Things are a little messy in the picture, so just look at the labeled stuff, okay?
Timmy fell asleep yesterday on the way home from PT and OT and was just so cute I had to snap a few. Love that little pink mouth.
a playdate & the scale in action
Had a playdate on Tuesday with Timmy's girl (or that would be glirl in Timmy-speak) and her brother. They had a great time as always. Did a little coloring and a little running around and screaming.
I decided like 10 minutes before the end of the playdate that I had to put Mr. G on the scale, nakey. It was a GREAT decision! He's such a cutie pie and while he christened my new prop, he didn't "christen" it in the nakey boy sense. Good job!
another computer update & chocolate milkshakes
First, a little business. They are coming tonight to take the computer (it's telling that my palms are actually sweating) for a cleaning and upgrade. So I will be without photoediting access for a few days. I will still be checking my emails (and facebook) if you need to reach me. If you are waiting for pictures or edits or other photo related projects, I will get your requests done as soon as I can once the computer comes back which had better be soon!!
On Sunday, we decided at the last minute to take a drive out east (Outlets in Riverhead and Coronet in Greenport). The big boys were in dire need of new sneakers and after driving all over Nassau county on Saturday with no luck, we figured we could try the outlets instead. So, to make a day of it we went to our favorite luncheonette in Greenport. The Coronet- home of the BEST chocolate milkshakes. Ever.
Happiness at the wheel.
You can see how happy Patrick is getting his picture taken, right?
A stop at the 'pie farm' for supplies.
No trip to Greenport would be complete without a trip to the "duck store" with some purchases of course.
The best part (well, besides the milkshakes)? I found the baby scale I've been looking for over the last 9months or so. Wait til you see the first pictures with it! So worth every penny of the $39.
Tried to get the ingrates to stop along the road and take some pictures, but they wouldn't do it. And we did find some sneakers. Mission complete.
the mcbr 60th anniversary
Yes, you read that right. 60TH wedding anniversary! Such a huge deal so of course there was a great big party to celebrate the happy couple.
It was a surprise, and was it ever! They definitely had no idea- they thought they were coming to the country club for brunch with another couple who are also members. As they walked into the room I heard them say "I think we're in the wrong place". Nope- the totally right place with all their friends and family and tons of love and congratulations!
Way too many good looking people! (and a special thanks to Paul for helping coordinate this shot with EVERYONE!)
And a lovely (and delicious I am told) cake.
Congrats again O and V. I had a wonderful time capturing your special day. All of the pictures are in an album to your left. Enjoy and here's to another 60 years!