• babies,  bsquared business,  product

    bsquared & bcause i said so CASTING CALL


    In conjuction with Lauren & Denise's clothing line, www.bcauseisaidso.com, bsquared photography is hosting a casting call. We're looking for baby girls or baby boys who fit into 3-6 month clothing size.

    Here are the details:

    We need three baby girls or baby boys (preferably 2 girls and 1 boy) who currently wear a 3-6 month clothing size for a very mini-photoshoot wearing one of the new lines from bcause i said so. The shoot will be at Beth's home and will run about 20 minutes. Time permitting, I will be happy to take a few shots of your little one for you as well. For a $75 fee, you would receive up to 10 4×6 printed proofs, those photos on a disc, and you can take the shirt from the shoot home. (This shoot has a comparable value to a mini-session of $175 and is normally only offered Sept-December). The pictures may be used on the bcauseisaidso website and in any advertising they may do in any medium, but there is no guarantee that the photos will be used. We are looking to do these shoots as soon as possible.

    If you are interested, please contact me at bbeyrer1@optonline.net. Please pass the word on to your friends as well.


  • occassions & parties

    Modeliscious! (aka the schw 11th bday party)

    Warning: tons of pictures. You can see the rest (yes, there are lots more) in the album on the left.

    I'm certain that you will remember this sassy/beautiful redhead from a holiday shoot (and maybe even from her grandfather's 80th bday party which I also shot). Well, her mom was throwing around some birthday party ideas and a photoshoot party actually won out! So I was at the party snapping away the most FUN pictures for the afternoon.

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    All the girls brought and borrowed and swapped crazy outfits and then did their best 'america's next top model' THANG for my camera. And it's seriously a miracle that any of the photos are in focus cause I was laughing so hard for the whole thing. They came up with the best poses (all by themselves) and funniest outfits.

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    Let me just say this was a GREAT party idea. And the kids get the pictures of all their friends together having fun.

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    Work it, girls!


    Even mom and her friend got in on the action! How can you not love fun parents like these?!


  • personal

    islanders game & computer news

    First, the computer news. If you are a bsquared client, this may apply to you.

    I am NOT getting the imac- way too many issues in converting. I am, however, getting a spruce up on my current PC- additional memory, a good cleaning, and a nice new big fat 24" screen! This means that the computer (and all photo related applications) will be out of commission from this Friday 1/23 until the middle of the following week. So if you are waiting to see your photos, need to do any editing, ordering, etc. I will only be able to do that for you after 1/29. If I already received your requests, I will do my best to get that out to you before Friday. I think it'll be great with the updates (for all of us) and I can't wait to edit on that HUGE screen!    

     **I will be checking email during the computer overhaul, so feel free to email me and I will get back to you asap.

    Hakka (aka Grandpa Ken) took us all to an Islanders game on Monday and we had a great time. I always forget how much I really enjoy watching hockey (only live though- on TV is too boring) and how fun the games are. Even though I don't go very much (we used to have season tickets when I was a kid and I was a huge Nystrom fan. The good old days with no helmets and winning Islanders!) I would be so sad if they moved away as the rumor goes. Going to try to get to one more game this season. At least.

    Disclaimer: these were all taken with the point n shoot. Can't bring the big guns to the game.

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    It was Timmy's first game. He really liked it. Tired himself out bopping up and down on the seats for 25 minutes and fell asleep for the last period of the game and all the way home too.

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    Jack and Patrick enjoyed the pretzels and the game too. And John said he is just happy he's not more than a casual fan cause he can't stand them sucking.

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    Thanks for a great time Hakka!!


  • personal


    Some new self portraits (it was a good hair day and I was tan).

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    And some randomness:

    Cannot believe I will be turning 40 in 8 months. Lots of my friends have recently and will be celebrating this milestone as well. Dancing around the kitchen last night while getting the dishes out I can honestly say I don't feel like I'm going to be 40. Still 25 at heart! So I guess that's a good thing. Now, if Billy can just arrange my "edward norton present" in time for September…

    It's been doctors appointments like crazy this month. I haven't been very good about taking care of myself lately, so trying to change that. Had a physical (the first one in many years) and all the results came back surprisingly good. Blood pressure, EKG, blood results, cholesterol, liver, kidney- all good. Now if I could just lose about 50 pounds… Off to the dentist later this week and still have to make an eye dr. appt. Between me and the boys, I think I've layed out over $100 in copays since January 7th.

    Tommorrow promises to be a good day. Going to the Apple store in the morning to look into switching to an iMac. Yes, it's true. Jen and Sharon placed those seeds and you know how once something is in my head, I have to ride the full wave of obsession until I either get it or exhaust it. Oh, but that 24" screen…yum! I would love to edit off that! The only concern is switching everything over from Windows to Mac. It's a lot of stuff. A real lot. Also have a playdate scheduled at one of our original playgroup friends tommorrow who we haven't seen in forever-it'll be 6 boys all together. Should be fun and LOUD. And then the premiere of LOST. Yeah!!!!! Can't wait.

    I have a whole new list of things that I want to get this year…the imac, a new Canon 5D Mark II (20something megapixel w video capabilities and a 3" viewscreen- drool), a 70-200 2.8L lens (perfect for weddings and sports- see, already justified!), speakers for the ipod that I stole from John last year, a pretty ring I think I might just buy myself for turning 40 and having good dr. test results, and think I'll plan a nice big fat 40th birthday party=all for a mere zillion $s. Someone has to help the economy, right?

    My newest favorite song…Use Somebody by Kings of Leon. Brian and Pat played it on Sat night and I can't stop listening to it since. You should check it out.

    And last, a little bit of Beth trivia…did you know that my eyes changed color when I was pregnant and never changed back? They used to be hazel but mostly brown, and now they are green. And no, they are not colored contacts. Crazy, huh?

  • personal & corporate branding {headshots},  school

    RVC Education Foundation honorees

    I am doing some volunteer photography work for the RVC Education Foundation's annual fundraiser/dinner. It's a good cause…and one that is obviously something I'm interested in supporting!

    This year's dinner theme is Dancing with the Teachers and I am doing all the headshots for the 'dancing teachers'. So far I have only done the shots for the two Honorees of the night, the teachers are coming up in about two weeks. Here's a few of the honorees for the evening:

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