where is the color?
New York is not pretty in the winter (for the most part). It's just brown and grey. That's it. Brown. And. Grey. So where is the color? Well, it's in Florida of course. A little technicolor to brighten another snowy, brown and grey day.
Some beach shots:
Even the smartcars are colorful:
Some sunset shots from the plane. Ok, the pictures out the window might be the ONLY good part of flying.
Some from the Orange Bowl: (yes, it was cold again this year, but not so much as last year. Or more importantly, not so much as here). We had a great time even though the flyover was LAME. It's my favorite part. Doobie Brothers at halftime. All pix with point n shoot.
Lens envy:
Things have been so busy…which is great. Surprised I have as many shoots as I do being the very quiet season. A few fun parties to post soon, so be on the lookout for those.
Went out with Beth W last night to treat her to some sushi for taking care of the house and fish while we were away. Went to see The Turn at Gabrielle's. A few point n shoot snaps:
Hope you all had a nice weekend.
the palu family
My first shoot for 2009- and a GREAT way to start off bsquared for the new year. A very lovely and photogenic family who found me thru some holiday cards they received with my blog on the back. We lucked out and were able to schedule a shoot while all 3 kids were home from college on winter break. They are just a great, warm, happy family who seemed genuinely happy to be together (and at the same time, everyone was excited to go back to school!) Even the dog was smiley.
Everyone was troopers and we went outside in the cold and snow for a few shots as well. The dog was a very excited participant as well!
And yet another small world story…when I went up to the high school today to take some photos of the prinicpal (I've volunteered to take pictures for the Education Foundation fundraiser "dancing with the teachers" and took photos of the two honorees today- more on that later) I looked up in the office and saw the mom's name on a desk plaque. She works there. The world keeps getting smaller and smaller…
the hus 2nd birthday
I'm sure you will remember this unforgettable beautiful little (burberry) girl from her birthday party last year and from a fall shoot in Central Park. I was asked to take photos at her birthday party again this year which I was more than happy to do. Her whole family is just as nice as can be!
This year's party was at the Reebok Sports Club in Manhattan, with a little extra singing/guitar entertainment to round it all out. Looked like all the kids had a great time! And the parents too.
How gorgeous was the cake?? Love the design going all the way around.
Happy Birthday, Miss K!!
rockin out
Jack and Patrick got their very own ipods from Grandma and Hakka this Christmas. They were beyond excited. With Elizabeth's help on Saturday we got them all set up and they have been so excited to listen to them. The boys also got some itunes giftcards from Santa, so they were all ready to start downloading some music.
The best part? (well, other than their names on the back) Is when they put the earbuds in….it's SILENCE in the house. That never happens during waking hours. Ever.
And no, I didn't coordinate their clothing with their ipods. That was already what they were wearing (their favorite colors). I just put them in front of the right color wall…
Christmas Cards 2008
I made about a zillion Christmas Cards this year. Here they are for your viewing pleasure…
The flat "postcards"
And the folding cards. Some trifolds as well.
The packaging:
My card: (which was an accordian card so it's really hard to show flat)
More Florida pictures tommorrow I think.