• babies,  occassions & parties

    the byrn christening (twins)

    Shot this christening in the middle of busy season and the mom was so nice in letting me take my time getting the photos edited. So without further ado, here are the byrn girls all the way from Chicago on their very special day.

    They are so beautiful (with eyelashes to match) and were just as sweet as could be. Didn’t hear them cry once. Their gowns were handmade in Ireland and were fantastic. Parents, Godparents, Grandparents and all their family and friends were on hand to help celebrae this very special occassion.

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    To view all the images of the byrn christening, please click HERE.

  • personal,  travel

    another dose of warmth

    So, you'll either appreciate a few pictures of something sunny and nice, or you'll be cursing me across cyberspace.

    Here's some more from our florida vacation. All taken at my parent's place pool. Beach shots coming tommorrow so don't log on if that's going to piss you off further.

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    By the way, I read 9 books on my Kindle while on vacation (one of the 9- The Gold Coast- I started before I left, so it was really like 8.5 books). So far, I've polished off: The Gold Coast, The GateHouse (both Nelson DeMille), Private (a teenangst boarding school book, but it was good and free), To The Scaffold:The Life of Marie Antoinette (she really had a very interesting and sad life, that was my second biography on her), Just Before Sunset (compilation of short stories by Stephen King), Against Medical Advice, Cross Country (both by James Patterson), Bones (Jonathan Kellerman), Your Heart Belongs to Me (Dean Koontz), and I just finished Memoirs of a Geisha which I had read a looooong time ago and wanted to read again. So 10 books down since getting the Kindle on 12/22. I love to read. Just glad I have time to do it again!

    John is home (thank god) and I think I will get a small break tommorrow so I can start cleaning out and dismantling the scrapbook room. That era is officially over. Anyone out there want scrapbook supplies??

  • personal,  travel

    moon over miami (kinda)

    The moon was more over Davie than Miami, but that's okay.


    I didn't take the camera out of the bag for the first full week of our trip. I was more than slightly burnt.

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    On New Years Eve the moon was just to awesome to pass up a shot (or several) of. My mom got out the telescope (you know, the one she uses to spy on her neighbors) and I took a super cool shot of the moon thru the telescope. Looks like a smiley face.

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    A few fireworks along the ocean.


    City lights. Really- a seriously NICE view from the 20th floor. That's A1A on the left, and the ocean on the far left, with the intracostal on the right.

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    And Timmy has been diagnosed with a double ear infection in the SAME EAR! Impossible you say? It's not…he has swimmers ear which is an infection of the ear canal AND he also has an inner ear infection. The poor kid is on ear drops antibiotic and oral antibiotic too.


    Oh, and John? Yeah, he's in Florida again. Flew out Wednesday morning with his friends to go see the BCS Championship. So while he's sunning and laughing it up…I'm home with a fading tan which is being sucked out of my skin from freezing temperatures and a sick kid who hasn't slept for 4 nights. So far. Poor boy is miserable and in so much pain. I'm exhausted and way grumpy. Ain't life grand?!

  • personal

    i’m baaaack….

    And none too happy about it either. Pictures to follow soon. Gotta unpack a little, get tommorrows stuff set up and get to bed. I'm exhausted. And to think, I was in the pool and sun not 10 hours ago…

    The flight back was crazy turbulent (you know how I just LOVE that), it's freakin cold here, and I had to scrape the ice off the windshield of the car before going out to get milk. Oh, and Timmy's running a lowgrade fever and screaming about his ear hurting. So either the 'meumonia' is back and/or there is an ear infection happening. Or maybe even something else. Going to the doctor tommorrow.

    Tell me, why did I come home??


  • personal,  travel

    happy new year…orange style

    off in a few minutes to the Orange Bowl (to watch two teams that I have absolutely no interest in, but that's the way it goes. Maybe the Miami Hurricanes will make it back there someday). It's supposed to be pretty cold here tonight -it always is on the Orange Bowl night somehow. I'm all sweatered and Ugg'd up and ready to freeze. But it's still better than home…

    The big boys hit the racetrack today with grandma and grandpa and won a few bucks each (between that and the scratch-off lottery tickets grandpa keeps buying them, they are coming home with more loot than they started with. That plus vacation is not a bad deal.) John and I took Timmy to the Aventura Mall. It's really nice there and Timmy got to ride the "christmas train".

    I was the only one who stayed up til midnight last night other than my parents. It was cool watching all the fireworks off the balcony. The moon was crazy cool last night and I got the greatest shots off the balcony and thru the telescope. Can't wait to show you when I get home.

    And yes, that means that the camera finally made it out of the bag. For a little while anyway.

    Happy and healthy 2009!!